They fear that it was the first chapter of a wave of violence due to the power of the tribune

They fear that it was the first chapter of a wave of violence due to the power of the tribune

The confrontation between the factions of the bar Riveron Sunday, in the preview of the match against Argentinos Juniors at the Monumental, It was not an isolated event.. Sources consulted by Clarion They agree that it could have been the first episode of several in the struggle for power on the platform and the leadership of The Drunkards of the Plank.

The security agencies were on alert. And there is concern about the possibility that new crashes will occur in the immediate future, as a result of probable “revenge” of the groups that until a while ago commanded the Sívori paraavalanches and today are outside the field. The dispute, beyond the side businesses – sale of fake merchandising, food stalls and rags in the vicinity of the stadium – is closely linked to settling old – and not so old – betrayals.

The group led by Alejandro Medinaknown as “Budge Ale”, was the one who burst onto the scene to hunt down the leaders of the official bar, as seen in the videos that went viral on social networks. Some members of that sector that started the aggression ended up injured, among them “But” and his son Brian, who were recovering at the Pirovano hospital. In fact, the majority of the 30 detainees – whose statements were taken this Monday – belonged to his gang. They also seized a large quantity of edged weapons.

“We went to calm things down, to show the Umma flag and they beat us up,” said “Ale de Budge” upon leaving the Pirovano hospital, when he was being transferred to the Public Prosecutor’s Office to testify. It seemed like an irony in very bad taste. Umma is the girl murdered last week in Lomas de Zamora, daughter of a custodian of Patricia Bullrich.

According to investigation sources, the objective of the battle, which took place on Cantilo Avenue, at the entrance to the Labruna Bridge that connects directly to the stadium, was “rot it”. They seek to tie the ground to those who have just taken control of a bar that had become practically headless in its management.. There are those who claim that what happened this weekend was a acto “kamikaze”.

Budge’s were part of the official bar until recently. “Budge Ale” He had a lot of power at the time in the River tribune and also served as custodian at the events of truckersthe union they manage Hugo and Pablo Moyano. He managed the southern zone group of the bar, with many people from Lomas de Zamora.


Engineer Budge’s ‘dissident’ faction attempted to ambush the ‘official’ faction, despite the right of admission.

At the end of 2018, before the final of the Libertadores Cup, they raided their house and kidnapped all the cards they had to enter the second leg, which was finally suspended due to the attack on the Boca bus. Medina was also imprisoned in September 2019 and there he began to have differences with Hector “Caverna” Godoyformer leader, and with a large part of the River bar.

With the confrontation already raised, the situation exploded when in April 2022, the City Police carried out a search and arrested 253 bars in the vicinity of the Monumental, including Godoy, coincidentally also in the run-up to a match against Argentinos Juniors .

There it fell “Cave”, who was detained, although he was released shortly after. And he smoothed things over with “Ale”, who was already outside, with the right of admission. A large part of his group was also put in traps at the entrance, after in June of last year, they entered with cards with other identities and took a photo in the Sívori tribune, and were reported.

With the tribune cleared of leaders, lThose who took the opportunity to take command because they believed it was their time were the brothers Mauro, Leandro and Alexis Ferraras, from Beccar., formerly the slopes of “Caverna” Godoy. And the break came when more than a year ago, the brothers decided to ally themselves with Ariel “Pato” Bald, Hernan Taboada y Alejandro “Zapatero” Floreswho led the dissident faction and went to Centenario Alta.

The Ferreras They are monitored from outside, since they are incorporated into the Tribuna Segura database, in a joint work of the Ministry and Committee (now headed by Juan Manuel Castrilli) of Security of the City of Buenos Aires with the leadership headed by Jorge Britowhich tries to keep the violent ones away from the Monumental.

The new armed group, with old members of the bar, began to gain strength with its majority presence in the Argentine Cup matches, as a visitor in the Copa Libertadores, when River played at home on the Independiente field against Instituto or in the matches in the Interior for the League Cup, matches in which everyone entered, unlike what happens in the Monumental, where those who have the right of admission do not enter.

In fact, They were shown in the final of the Champions Trophy against Rosario Central in Santiago del Estero, along with Exequiel Palaciosformer River, world champion with the National Team, who went to see that game and entered the Madre de Cities with them.

A continuous struggle for power bar

Both the Ferreras and Calvici, Taboada and Flores were historically part of Los Borrachos del Tablón. They even joined the bar when they led brothers Alan and William Schlenker and Adrian Rousseau. And after the breakup that occurred, after the murder of Gonzalo Acroin 2007, they started climbing.

After Rousseau left the barMartin Araujoknown as “Martin de Ramos y “Cavern” Godoy They took control at the time when Daniel Passarella He was president of the institution. And the divisions began. Because the “Zapatero”, historic bar of the ’90s, after fighting with Rousseau, he remained in the dissident faction. And Calvici and Taboada joined him, distanced from Araujo and Godoy.

Los Ferreras, from Beccar, remained next to Godoy and took on more prominence, especially after Araujo left and “Caverna” assumed full leadership of the bar.

Investigation of the bands

To the confrontation on Sunday, which detonated a new internal The Drunkards of the PlankThe fiscal Celsa Ramirez, from the City’s Prosecutor’s Office Specialized in Mass Events, described the case as “injuries in a fight”, took statements from the detainees and compared background information. Those who have them will be behind bars. They imposed different restrictive measures on those involved in the battle of Cantilo, to whom the right of admission will be applied and will not be able to enter the fields for four years. On the other hand, a case was opened to investigate the actions of the City Police in the security operation.

Meanwhile, the Government of the City of Buenos Aires promotes the law of repetition with the aim of making the penalties more severe against criminals – and bars – who repeat committing crimes. And it is alert, like the Security agencies, so that the internal violence of Los Borrachos del Tablón does not become a bloody escalation of violence as happened in other times.

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