They denounce a presenter who dressed up as a bishop and mocked the Eucharist

They denounce a presenter who dressed up as a bishop and mocked the Eucharist

The Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has filed a criminal complaint against the Spanish television presenter known as “El Gran Wyoming” for mocking the Eucharist, the Catholic Creed and bishops and priests.

Specifically, the entity of jurists attributes to the presenter a crime of provocation to discrimination, hatred and violence and another of derision referring to a part of the program. The Intermediate issued last September 24.

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In it, the defendant appears disguised as a bishop along with a collaborator, Dani Mateo, dressed as a priest. Both have been the subject of other lawsuits related to the right to religious freedom and respect for religious feelings in the past.

Throughout the piece, the defendant crosses himself while saying “in the name of the pádel, the pijus and the rancid spirit, amen”, makes a mockery of the homily and recites a version of the Creed in which he mocks the main dogmas of the Catholic faith.

It is about a regular resource in the programwhere similar episodes have developed at least since 2018.

For the entity of jurists, the events entail “clear humiliation, mockery and contempt for Catholic beliefs”, in such a way that the complaint emphasizes that “there can be no interpretive doubts” about what happened in the program, where “it is carried out an obvious mockery” of the Eucharist.

The Christian Lawyers Foundation also appreciates that a crime of derision could also be charged as “a vexation, insult and outrage towards religious feelings and Catholic beliefs” had occurred with advertising (the program was seen by more than 600,000 viewers, as reflected in the complaint) and with the intention of insulting.

The president of Christian Lawyers, Poland Castellanos, has pointed out in a statement sent to the media that “attacking and mocking Catholics is so gratuitous that we even see how it is resorted to when the audience of a program drops. It is essential that Justice begins to act and condemn these attacks.”

Recently, the Government of Spain has presented a proposal to eliminate the crime of offending religious feelings, contrary to the majority of the countries of the European Union, which do include it.

The European Convention on Human Rights, ratified by Spain, also states in its article 9 that “everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, to freely practice their religion in private and in public, and to change their religion.” if you wish.”

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