They ask to withdraw the National Comic Award in Spain from a blasphemous work

They ask to withdraw the National Comic Award in Spain from a blasphemous work

The Observatory for Religious Freedom and Conscience (OLRC) has demanded that the Government of Spain withdraw the National Comic Award awarded to the work titled The body of Christ considering it blasphemous.

The president of the OLRC, María García has explained in a statement that “both the title and the cover drawing offend the religious feelings of Catholics, by trivializing the Eucharist and treating Communion as if it were a pill for mental illness, when for Catholics it is the body of Christ.”

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On the cover, you can see a girl taking Communion, but instead of the consecrated host it is a pill.

Astiberri publishing house, presents the graphic novel by the artist Bea Lema (published in France under the title What’s wrong?) as “the declaration of love of a daughter to her mother, whom she has to take care of when she is too young, but it is also the tragic and universal portrait of a woman locked in her role as daughter, mother and wife in a patriarchal, poor and Catholic Spain.”

For the OLRC, “the comic shows a negative image of Catholicism, which it also treats as if it were a superstition.”

The National Comic Award, awarded by the Ministry of Culture, is endowed with 30,000 euros. For this reason, the OLRC denounces that the Government “is using taxpayers’ money to, once again, attack Catholics” as it already did with a catalog of LGBT artists paid for by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that also contained blasphemous images. .

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