They announce Corso for life and family on March 29 in Arequipa, Peru

The Regional Coordinator for Life (Corvida) announces the realization of the 18th Corsican for life and the family on March 29 from 15 hours in the city of Arequipa, in southern Peru.

The Corsican will be the main celebration of Children’s Day to be born in the Southern City, which in Peru and other Latin American countries is celebrated on March 25, coinciding with the feast of the Lord’s Annunciation.

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The event, which in 2024 brought together more than 200,000 people, according to the organizers in a note sent to ACI Press, will begin in the Plaza Mayta Capacity in the Miraflores neighborhood, from where the delegations will tour the main streets of the city until they reach the Plaza de Armas de Arequipa.

“As in previous editions, a massive participation of schools, educational institutions, universities, parishes, movements, professional colleges and civil society entities are expected. Attendees may be part of the event with allegorical cars, comparsas, dances and batucadas,” said Guadalupe Valdez, president of the Corvida.

Mons. Javier del Río, Archbishop of Arequipa, who received the delegations in the Plaza de Armas last year, stressed that since the first Corsican in 2007, the participation in the Provida event has been increasing every year, demonstrating that “Arequipa loves life and family.”

The Regional Coordinator for Life (Corvida), created in 2008, is made up of various associations such as life and family, doctors for life, ethics and law, promising and human rights, obstetrician for life, creates a woman – hit, young life, communication and dialogue and the citizen platform we save both, among others.

The organizers invite you to join in social networks with the hashtag #celebremosjuntos, and to follow the social networks of the event in @corvidafam.

Delegations that wish to participate in the Corsico must register in the following link

More information at phones +51 957 961 214 and +51 958795357 or email

Testimony of a mother who aborted and now defends the cause

The note highlights the participation of women “who have lived difficult experiences and today add to the cause”, as a 25 -year -old girl who offers her testimony below and whose identity remains in reserve.

The circumstances of pregnancy

“At that time I was 25 years old I lived in the house of my pope We were not married and I appreciate them, but the meat is weak and pregnant for the second time. ”

Fears and abortion

“My first fear were my potatoes, which were going to say, what they were going to do, I was not married and now I had another pregnancy, I just thought they were going to say about me, how I was going to stay, I thought only of me and my crush, but I did not stop to think about my baby, so I convinced myself that I did not matter, that he did not feel and did it: I aborted.”

The abortion drama

“The worst consequence, being dead in my life, really felt that for many years.

“My husband really had a lot of patience with me since I would have gone and left everything, my children were small and did not realize, my parents and brothers did not realize since all that happened in our house and no longer with them.”

What would you say to a woman who Are you thinking of aborting?

“If I got to find me in such a situation I would tell the young woman that: she is not alone, that she can count on me and would help him tell her potatoes if she has not said it, and if it is not understood because many times it is so at first I would assume, I would make him understand the young woman that the act that he committed lasts a short time but that the wound never healthy and leaves you marked forever.”

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