These are the 10 most hospitable destinations in Argentina

These are the 10 most hospitable destinations in Argentina

Cordiality, kindness and experiences lived in the stays of the global traveling community were the characteristics that positioned two destinations in Chubut and another in the province of Buenos Aires as the most hospitable in Argentina in the 2024 edition of the Traveler Review Awards, held each year by the accommodation reservation platform

These destinations were Lake Puelo (Chubut), first of all; Tandil (province of Buenos Aires) second; and Travellin (also Chubut), third.

Among countries, Argentina was ranked 12th among the most hospitable in the world, while at the regional level (Latin America), our country was ranked second after Brazil. The global ranking of most hospitable countries was headed by Italy, Spain and France, in that order.

These awards are based on opinions from the global travel communitywhich through them recognizes the cordiality, kindness and quality of the experiences lived during their stays or when renting a car or taking a taxi at an airport.

Why Chubut is very well positioned

With three destinations in the top ten of the national ranking (Lago Puelo, Trevelin and Esquel), the province of Chubut was the one that stood out the most in this new edition of the awards. It was followed by the provinces of Córdoba, with two destinations (Nono and Los Reartes) and Mendoza, also with two (Chacras de Coria and Maipú).

“Guests, through their comments, opinions and evaluations, recognize the accommodations for their hospitable treatment. And that effort of the properties to provide excellent service It is the one awarded by the Traveler Review Awards,” explained Jimena Gutiérrez, general manager of for Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

And he added: “That is why we are very happy to have more award-winning properties (more than 6,100 in total) than in 2023.”

Tulip fields in Trevelin, Chubut.

At the Travel Review Awards 2024 26,914 properties were recognized in Argentina (against 20,780 in 2023), in three main categories: apartments (11,628 award-winning properties), houses (2,671) and hotels (1,731).

In the 2023 edition of these awards, the town of El Chaltenin the southwest of the province of Santa Cruz, had been recognized as one of the 10 most hospitable destinations in the world.

According to the comments, the community chose El Chaltén that year mainly to enjoy nature and landscapesand hiking and walks in the mountains.

It is worth remembering that this town is the National Trekking Capital and is located in the northern area of ​​Los Glaciares National Park, at the foot of Mount Fitz Roy.

The ranking of the most hospitable destinations in Argentina

This is the 2024 ranking of the most hospitable Argentine destinations:

2. Tandil (Buenos Aires province)

5. The Reartes (Córdoba)

6. Villa La Angostura (Neuquen)

7. Coria Chacras (Mendoza)


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