The secret behind Hakuna’s success

Thousands of people come to his concerts and his songs already reach the top positions in Spotify. But not only that, they also reach full capacity during their holy hours, summer missions or spiritual retreats. This is Hakuna, the movement that is joined by more and more young people who discover that true joy comes from following Christ.

Thousands of young people attend the Hakuna concert in Madrid. Credit: Hakuna
Thousands of young people attend the Hakuna concert in Madrid. Credit: Hakuna

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Nearly 17,000 people attended their last concert at the Wizink Center stadium in Madrid, “a true party” in which young people from Spain and other countries gathered to “sing, dance, get excited… and of course pray together.”

This is what Abel de Miguel, one of the members of No Group Musicwho learned about the movement thanks to some friends from Valencia, the city where he lives and where this private association of faithful has not yet arrived.

Hakuna concert, a
Hakuna concert, a “big party”. Credit: Hakuna

“The presence of Jesus and the ‘Life’ that is here is what made me know that it was my place. Since then I have traveled 100 kilometers every week because I want to pray with my family,” he says.

Abel, 25 years old, thus refers to all the young people he has met along the way, people “thirsty for love and truth” and that, he assures, “only Christ gives.” “We are very aware that we are in His hands and we want to be His instrument, with music or however He wants,” he says.

Rocío Campos, a 29-year-old girl from Madrid who is also part of the music group, met Hakuna in 2013, when she was at university. At that time she was “closed to God”, but finally she went to a Holy Hour.

Rocío at one of Hakuna's concerts. Credit: Hakuna
Rocío at one of Hakuna’s concerts. Credit: Hakuna

“What I liked the most was the silence. Meeting Jesus again, Him and I alone. What attracted me was meeting the person of Jesus; Knowing him and discovering in God a father, friend and companion who never fails was what made me continue,” he tells ACI Prensa.

“We talk to each other through songs”

With four albums behind him, Abel explains that inspiration arises from that “life” that movement offers and from “God’s encounter with each one.”

Abel on guitar with his friends from Hakuna. Credit: Hakuna
Abel on guitar with his friends from Hakuna. Credit: Hakuna

This music helps the young singer live his faith, “expressing everything I carry inside my heart and putting words to what I live every day.”

The songs, Rocío points out, are “the fruit of a lot of prayer.” Some arise from the psalms, their lyrics are inspired by the Word and based on life experiences in Jesus, on Gospel passages or on the lives of other saints.

For Rocío, who has loved music since she was little, each concert is “a piece of heaven on earth”

“He speaks to each of us through a specific language; There are people to whom he speaks through numbers, science, reading, painting, nature, etc. He communicates to me through music and it is a tool that also helps me communicate with Him back. “We talk to each other through songs, it is part of the relationship,” he says.

He also explains that “the most important thing when composing is to let Him do it and let the inspiration come from the Holy Spirit,” while clarifying that the merit is “completely His,” since the songs “are still prayer.” personal in the form of art that reach the deepest part of the person and that is what makes so many souls connect with Him and with each other.”

Hakuna concert in Madrid. Credit: Hakuna
Hakuna concert in Madrid. Credit: Hakuna

The key to his success: The radical transformation after knowing Christ

The Lord, for the young woman, “transforms everything,” and that is the key to her success and the appeal that Hakuna has: “The radical transformation of your existence after meeting Him.”

No matter how secularized the world is, Rocío continues, “it does not take away the thirst for love that we all have within; The Truth of Christ is independent of the subjectivity of man.”

“There is a very strong desire that human beings share to be loved and to love; That desire becomes incarnated in the reality of each person’s life the more you know Him and abandon yourself in Him. That thirst is satisfied, the meaning of our existence He grants and that is the secret of ‘success’, we share our way of relating to God and it is contagious,” he points out.

The young Spanish woman emphasizes that the life of any Christian “has to be the Gospel, the announcement of the Good News” and adds, quoting Saint Ignatius, that “the fire cannot not burn and we are called to set hearts on fire.”

Members of the Hakuna group. Credit: Hakuna
Members of the Hakuna group. Credit: Hakuna

Currently, Hakuna is already present in more than 30 countries. “You meet people from Latin America, Korea, Australia, Canada… who the Holy Spirit calls in the same way as you, people who apparently are from different cultures and who while the world wants to make that difference, God breaks all the barriers.” barriers and for Him there are no borders,” says Rocío.

Furthermore, he points out that “all of us who participate, not only in the life of Hakuna but also in the Church, are people who have experienced an encounter with Jesus, and as a result of that encounter we discover the Truth that is in us, who I am, what I mean. I am called.”

“I have many friends who have discovered their vocation to the priesthood, others to marriage, others to consecrated life, both in Hakuna and in other charisms, and it is very beautiful to see how the love of God is so creative that it calls each of us. a specific way,” says Rocío.


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