The Sanctuary of Covadonga hosts the I Youth Marian Eucharistic Day

The Sanctuary of Covadonga hosts the I Youth Marian Eucharistic Day

The Sanctuary of Covadonga (Spain) finalizes the preparations for the celebration of the I Marian Youth Eucharistic Day (JEMJ), a meeting convened under the motto “Lift up your hearts” in which the participation of 2,000 people is expected.

The meeting aims to delve into the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist at the hand of the Virgin Mary, in an emblematic sanctuary of the Catholic history of Spain, located in the place where the process of the Reconquista began after the Muslim invasion in the 8th century.

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The initiative is motivated by the experience of the National Eucharistic Revival convened by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops last year, which has inspired some young Spaniards gathered around the En Marcha association, created in 2023 “for the promotion and “the support of activities that promote the growth of Catholic life.”

Young people from 14 to 30 years old will have the spiritual accompaniment of the Archbishop of Oviedo, Mons. Jesús Sanz Montes and the Bishop of Alcalá de Henares, Jesús Prieto, who will preside over the opening Mass of the meeting.

Msgr. Sanz has invited to participate in this meeting pointing out that it takes place in an “inhabited home where we can worship, receive the Eucharist as the Body of the resurrected Jesus. In a world of weather; in a world in isolation, despite social networks; in a world of so much surveillance by the Great Gendarme; here we can be ourselves in the lap of a Mother.”

Mons. Antonio Prieto, for his part, has highlighted as motivation to participate in this JEMJ that “the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary are the testament of Jesus. They are the two great gifts of our Christian life” that will be highlighted in the Asturian sanctuary.

The Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante has also supported the celebration of the JEMJ, Msgr. Jose Ignacio Munillawho has encouraged that the experience in the Marian sanctuary serve to introduce us to the womb of Mary and then be given birth by her for the life of the world, for the spiritual renewal of Spain.”

“Let’s go to Covadonga to meet the Lord and the Blessed Virgin,” encouraged the Bishop of Getafe, Msgr. Ginés García Beltránto “accompany the Lord and let oneself be accompanied by the Lord” and reflect on the Eucharist.

A Eucharistic miracle from the 13th century

After the welcome and inauguration on Friday, July 5, with the Holy Mass, the participants will enjoy a festival before beginning on Saturday, July 6, an intense training program that begins with a prayer in the presence of the Eucharistic miracle of the Holy Hijuela that occurred in the 13th century in Daroca (Diocese of Cuenca, Spain).

Next, Father Santiago Arellano, parish priest of the Sacred Heart in Talavera de la Reina (Archdiocese of Toledo) will offer training on the Eucharist, which will be followed by participation in different workshops.

In them you will be able to learn more details about the Eucharist in the light of the Passion, from the hand of Jorge Manuel Rodríguez Almenar, doctor in Art History and president of the Spanish Center of Sindonology; ask any question about the Eucharist to Fr. Félix López, SHM, doctor in Dogmatic Theology; discover the Eucharistic value in the persecuted church and its martyrs, with two religious from the Institute of the Incarnate Word; find out how to “reconquer the media for the Lord” under the suggestive title The Reconquista: from Covadonga to Hollywood, with Fr. Brian Jackson, SHM; or rediscovering through the childlike gaze of Valivan’s characters “the freshness of love for God and the Virgin.”


Saturday’s day will be completed with the recitation of the Holy Rosary, the celebration of a Eucharistic vigil, a procession and the holding of candle shifts during the night before the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Cave, at which time there will be priests ready for the Confession.

On Sunday, after a while longer of Eucharistic adoration, Bishop Sanz will celebrate the closing Mass.

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