The rose of the Virgin that did not wither announced the birth of Saint Orione

San Luis Orione is celebrated every March 12. Something little known is that the birth of this great saint would have been announced by a rose that did not wither, placed before a Marian image, and which caused astonishment in the population.

Saint Orione was born in Pontecurone, northern Italy, on June 23, 1872. In the book Don Orione. Father and friendby the Orionist priest P. Pedro Ferrini, it is indicated that in this town, during the month of May, several ladies gathered to pray before an image of the Virgin of the Rosary that was painted on the wall of a house.

A crown of natural roses was usually placed on the Marian image, but something that was surprising was that in May of that year all of these flowers were withering, except for one. Which remained beautiful throughout the Marian month.

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