The Rosary for Spain joins the “world crusade” promoted by Bishop Schneider

The Rosary for Spain joins the “world crusade” promoted by Bishop Schneider

Past fifty, Jesús María Álvarez, Asturian and professional in the steel sector, could not sit idly by on December 8 when the first national Rosary prayer was called. ”Seeing that no one dared to call him in Asturias, I decided to take the step,” he explains to ACI Prensa.

“For quite some time now, Catholics have been fighting a full-fledged spiritual battle. “Satan has infiltrated, not only the Church, but also the institutions,” he points out.

In his opinion, the belief has been established in society that “nothing is a sin anymore,” while “they want to destroy the concept of the homeland with separatism, communism, freemasonry, socialism, etc.”

Faced with this situation, which he calls a “crossroads,” he believes that “we have to show our faces. Lukewarmness is not worth it, Christ does not want it. We are a militant Church and our weapons to combat evil are: the Holy Rosary and the Holy Cross.”

Next Saturday’s call will also have its echo in the island territories of Spain. From Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Pablo Valera, a 21-year-old student from the Canary Islands, maintains that “the national Rosary led by our colleagues from Ferraz aims to make Spaniards aware that the sociopolitical chaos we suffer is nothing more than an effect of spiritual illness.” national. From Santa Cruz de Santiago de Tenerife we ​​will ask the Most Holy Mary to obtain for us from God the spiritual reconquest of her Earth.”

All calls for next January 6 can be consulted on the website

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