the reconversion of the Buenos Aires downtown

As part of the celebration of World Urban Planning Day, the National Academy of Engineering (ANI) and the Academy of Architecture and Urban Planning (ACAU) organize a day of debate.

It will be carried out Wednesday, November 8, from 2 to 8 the Auditorium of the ArtHaus Cultural Center located at Bartolomé Miter 434, CABA.

The activity aims to become a space for discussion and generation of proposals that will constitute a contribution from the Academies for a harmonious and sustainable urban development of the area.

In December 2021, given the vacancy of office buildings that occurred during the pandemic, the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires promulgated Law 6508/22: Transformation of the Central Area of ​​the City of Buenos Aires, and then Regulatory Decree 138 /2022.

Buenos Aires downtown during the second wave of covid 19. Businesses closed sparsely populated streets. Photo Germán García Adrasti.

“The Central Area is a urban social asset of CABA. Its environment whose evolution should be controlled to prevent the degradation of a public space that has historical aspects and representation of private and social organizations that, in their extension, would allow sectors with different values ​​to be identified,” is the basis for the invitation to the .

During the day there will be four panels that will be led by specialists on different topics, after which there will be an exchange of questions and comments with the attendees.

Program of the day

14:00 hs. – Opening: presentation by the presidents of the Academies: National Academy of Engineering: Eng. Manuel Solanet and Academy of Architecture and Urbanism: Architect María Teresa Egozcue

14:15 hs. – Technical Details of Law 6508/22 “Urban Reconversion of the Microcenter”: Secretary of Urban Development of the CABA: Architect Alvaro García Resta

14:30 hs. – Experiences from other European cities: President of the Academie d’Architecture de France, Architect Pablo Katz

15:15 hs. – Urban infrastructure and services: Eng. Pablo Bereciartúa, Eng. Roberto Agosta

16:00 hs. – Legal and corporate issues: Dr. Enrique Abatti, Dr. Raúl Navas.

17:15 hs. – Environmental aspects: Eng. Paula Andrea Hernández, Architect Alexia Anastassiadis.

18:00 hs – Architectural and structural aspects: Architect. Francisco Pratti, Architect. Fernando Diez.

18:45 hs. – Conclusions and closing: Architect Miguel Jurado, Architect Marcelo Corti.

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