More than 10,000 people linked to the world of art and culture, from more than 100 countries, will participate in the jubilee of artists and the world of culture, the third major event of the 36 planned within the framework of the Jubilee of the Hope.
The prefect of Dicastery for Culture and Education, Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, summarized the main acts planned for this event that, he said, “seeks to highlight the role of art and culture as engines of transformation and dialogue.”
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On Saturday, February 15, the event will start with a audience with Pope Francis in the classroom Paul VI. Next, the international meeting between museum leaders, directors of cultural institutions and university professors around the subject will take place Sharing hope – Horizons for Cultural Heritage (Share hope – Horizons for a cultural legacy).

At the event that will take place in the Conference Room of the Vatican Museums, on Saturday, February 15, at 10:00 a.m. (local time), the participants will sign “an educational manifesto on the transmission of the cultural code of religions”, Cardinal Mendoza reported.
In Declarations to ACI Press, the historian of the University of La Sapienza, Alessandro Zuccari, One of the rapporteurs that will take the floor, said that the encounter will be an impulse to promote Christian values such as fraternity and peace “in a world in which individualism and belligerence predominates.”
“At the origin of Western civilization is Christianity with its message of hope, inclusion, concord and universality,” he said.
Prisoners, protagonists of the artists’ jubilee
That same day the inauguration of the exhibition space is planned Conciliation 5 With an exhibition by Chinese artist Yan Pei-Ming, who has portrayed the prisoners of the Rome prison Regina Coeli.
This gesture that is also framed in the desire of Pope Francis to extend to the world of prisons the hope that derives from the jubilee year. In fact, after Inaugurate the Jubileo de la Esperanza With the opening of the Holy Gate of the Basilica of San Pedro, the Pontiff moved two days later, on December 26, until the kácel of Reband To repeat the gesture.
The holy doors, as is tradition, are only in the four papal basilic of Rome – San Pedro del Vatican prisoners, with the opening of the door of this penitentiary center of the Italian capital.
In the bull with which the jubilee convened, Hope you don’t disappointthe Pontiff encouraged the world to be “tangible symbol of hope” and asked the political leaders to during the Holy Year promoted “amnesty or condemnation initiatives.”
In this sense, on September 11, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, proprephic of the Dicastery for Evangelization, a section for the fundamental issues of evangelization in the world, signed an agreement with the Italian justice minister, Carlo Nordio, and the commissioner of the Government, Mayor Roberto Gualtieri, to make new forms of reintegration in social commitment activities for prisoners effective during the jubilee.
As part of the Jubileo de La Esperanza program, the works of the Chinese artist, the first of his country to expose in the Louvre, will be screened on the prison facade as a symbol of visibility and dignity.
“Looking at the penitentiary community in a different way is necessary,” said the Commissioner of the Exhibition, Cristina Parrella, during the presentation.
Academically formed in China but established in France since I was 20 years old, Yan Pei Ming is defined as an artist with roots but especially with wings. Born in Shanghai, in 1960, he has achieved international recognition with his portraits made with a sober palette of colors, only white, black and red, which impacted by his suggestive balance between figuration and abstraction.
He has painted iconic figures such as Mao Zedong, Bruce Lee, Barack Obama, but also Pope Francis.
Visit Histórica by Pope Francisco in Cinecittà
One of the most anticipated moments of artists’ jubilee will be The visit of Pope Francis, The first of a pontiff, to Cinecittà studios in Rome (Italy), one of the symbols of the world film industry, where more than 3,000 films have been shot.

In this space, where 47 films were recorded that ended up winning an Oscar award, will meet with artists, workers from the world of cinema, in a meeting accompanied by the Italian choir “La Nave”, in which detainees and volunteers participate.
It is an initiative of the prison of San Vittore In Milan, Italy, which is part of a rehabilitation and social inclusion project of prisoners through music. In addition to its artistic value, choral song in this context contributes to the treatment and reintegration of the participants.
“This special action will include more than fifty members, among detainees, former detainees and volunteers, and symbolizes an experience of social inclusion through music,” said Cardinal Mendoza.
Mass with the 10,000 registered of the Jubileo de la Esperanza
A day before, on Sunday, February 16, Pope Francis will preside over a mass in the Basilica of San Pedro in which the 10,000 registered on the official website of the Jubilee is scheduled.
The inauguration of a sound installation by American artist Bill Fontana in the bell tower of the Basilica of San Pedro is also planned. This artist and composer specialized in sound art, was born in 1947 in Cleveland.
Since the 1970s, the sound has explored as an artistic medium, creating facilities that transform the perception of space and the environment through real -time sound landscapes.
Fontana has worked with institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), the Pompidou Center and the Tate Modern, and has collaborated with emblematic places such as the Golden Gate bridge and the Sydney opera. His work often captures and reinterprets sounds of nature, architecture and technology, creating immersive experiences that reveal the musicality of the daily world.