The president of River criticized the championships and from the AFA they came out to cross it very strongly

The president of River criticized the championships and from the AFA they came out to cross it very strongly

An unexpected counterpoint arose between River and the AFA. The president of the Núñez cast, Jorge Brito, said what many think about the organization of the Professional League tournaments in an interview with TyC Sports. Was Pablo Tovigginotreasurer of the AFA and right hand of Claudio Chiqui Tapia, who came out to cross him badly through social networks, remembering the positions of the Millionaire in the Assemblies of the mother house of Argentine football. The doubt arises: could it have been a simple counterpoint or is there something deeper between River and the AFA?

Brito’s words were surprising because in the hallways of the building on Viamonte Street it is said that the relationship between River and the AFA is the most cordial in a long time. Yes, on the other hand, the bond between Chiqui Tapia and Rodolfo D’Onofrio, the former president of the millionaire cast, was more strained. Throughout the year, Brito and Tapia have appeared together, such as in the month of March, during the Vendimia Solidaria event in Mendoza. Much more: Tapia was at the coronation of River champion in July and even received a great gesture from the River Plate leaders: at the time of the award ceremony, the giant screen stopped broadcasting what was happening on the field and focused on the fans. In any case, a unanimous chant came from the stands: “Chiqui Tapia button/you are a Boca fan/the mother who gave birth to you.”

What did Brito say that caused the AFA to become upset? Nothing that is not said in each of the Argentine soccer stadiums regarding the organization of the tournaments (next year it will start with the League Cup and then with the long championship) and the sloppiness such as removing one of the mid-season declines. Of course, the repercussion is different if the president of River says it. “I don’t like the organization of tournaments in Argentine football. People don’t understand it, we have to explain it to them several times and abroad I don’t even tell it,” Brito shot in dialogue with TyC Sports. And he added: “We have to have a 20-team format, but it is a losing battle in AFA. When we proposed something similar in the Super League, it was broken and it returned to more clubs. “Most clubs believe they can be relegated and do not vote to go down to 20 teams.”

It was known that Brito’s forceful phrases were going to generate noise. What was not expected was the rapid intervention of the AFA through one of its best spokespersons, Pablo Toviggino. “How odd! River celebrated the championships he won with this format! Not only that, he also endorsed this type of Tournament and Cup in meetings and assemblies, without proposing anything different. Now that it doesn’t reach the final, it discredits other clubs that did make it! Curious, isn’t it? Anyway,” Toviggino launched on his social networks.

It is worth telling who Pablo Toviggino is. The first thing to say is that he is Chiqui Tapia’s right hand man. Thus, nothing he does is unknown to the president of the AFA, not even his untimely appearances on social networks. Toviggino is a businessman born in Rosario and later settled in Santiago del Estero, who came to the AFA at the hands of Luis Segura. He was president of the Federal Council and was elected by FIFA as a member of the Normalization Commission in 2016. He also received the only paid position of the Committee: he was executive secretary of the presidency. At 46 years old, he is the setter of “El Comandante”, as he calls Tapia, he is the treasurer of the AFA and President of the Santiagueña Football League.

The immediate response on social networks is usually a common practice at Toviggino. This year, the leader crossed paths with Godoy Cruz’s footballers and even with the influencer Santiago Maratea, who threatened to take up a collection to pay off the AFA’s alleged debt with Lionel Scaloni. “Don’t worry, AFA does not owe a single peso to the CT of Argentina. Since you’re talking, why don’t you put together the personal collection verse again and pay your club’s debt with AFA? I tell you that, as of today, it amounts to $500 million. This way, by the way, you earn your commission,” was Toviggino’s furious response to Maratea.

Is there a fight between River and AFA? Or was it just a counterpoint?

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