The prayer to the Virgin Mary composed by Saint Simon Stock, Carmelite saint

The prayer to the Virgin Mary composed by Saint Simon Stock, Carmelite saint

May 16th commemorates San Simon Stockseer of the Virgin of Carmen and propagator of the use of scapular. This great Carmelite saint composed a special prayer to ask the Mother of God for protection.

According to the website corazones.orgadministered by the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Saint Simon Stock (1165-1265), being general of the Carmelites, placed the Order under the protection of Our Lady, since the community was going through great difficulties.

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In his pleading and fervent prayer, the saint used to call her “Flower of Carmel” and “Star of the Sea.”

The Mother of Carmel did not wait and, in response, appeared to him on July 16, 1251. She gave him a scapular and told him: “This must be a sign and privilege for you and for all Carmelites: whoever dies wearing the scapular will not suffer eternal fire”.

According to the website of the Prelature of Opus DeiSaint Simón Stock wrote this pious prayer to the Virgin of Carmen:

Oh Beautiful Flower of Carmel, fruitful vineyard, splendor of heaven, singular Mother of the Son of God, always pure Virgin!
Most Holy Mother, after having brought us the Son of God, you remained intact and without any stain. Oh blessed ever Virgin, assist me in this need!
Oh Star of the Sea, help me and protect me! Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who turn to you!
Mother and ornament of Carmel, pray for us! Virgin, Flower of Carmel, pray for us! Patroness of those who wear the holy scapular, pray for us!
Saint Joseph, faithful friend of the Sacred Heart, pray for us! Saint Joseph, most chaste husband of the Most Holy Mary, pray for us! Saint Joseph, our great protector, pray for us!
Sweet Heart of Mary, be our salvation! Amen.

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