The impressive six-meter wave that almost killed a surfer in Tasmania

The impressive six-meter wave that almost killed a surfer in Tasmania

On the southern coast of Tasmania, in the lowest area of ​​Oceania, lies one of the most challenging waves for surfers, even the best in the world. In this case, one of them suffered it firsthand and disappeared in the middle of a gigantic wave. “I’m surprised he’s still alive.”he stated Mikey Brennan after suffering the fearsome Shipstern Bluff. The 38-year-old surfer He suffered rib bruises and a mild concussion..

In any case, Brennan knew that he was facing enormous danger, because this wave is considered one of the most difficult and risky. After being engulfed by the tremendous waves that occurred and being missing for several seconds under the water, he was able to float out and was rescued by the emergency services who saved his life.

Regarding the wave that he could not overcome and caused him a terrifying moment that left him with a terrible memory in which he was close to death, the surfer expressed: “I remember the wave, when I entered it and then took a big steplike one of those monumental moments. But then I just fell too hard. “I couldn’t control it to land well.”

However, the athlete experienced in the matter does not remember what happened. At the time of the rescue he seemed clearly confused and very dizzy due to the number of laps he had done underwater. He was then rescued and taken out on a jet ski to finally be transferred to a Royal Hobart hospital, where studies were carried out that revealed the reported injuries.

Once controlled and out of danger, he confessed about what happened: “At that moment I was regaining consciousness and asked the boys who they were. I didn’t know who anyone was.”. Then, about the protocol he said: “We have jet skis and all the safety equipmentsuch as the spinal board and our own flotation devices, to be as prepared as possible.

The mythical and fearsome Shipstern Bluff wave is not for everyone. It is as famous as it is complex due to the special characteristics of the reef on which it breaks. It can also very easily reach 70 kilometers per hour when it reaches the area that increases considerably in size, so a slight failure in the technique can generate a catastrophe.

The veteran surfer is an expert in this type of waves, but it is not the first time he has suffered a serious injury. As on this occasion, a few years ago he also suffered a severe blow that kept him away from the water for a long time. In 2010, also in Tasmania but east of the island state, while surfing on Governor Island, Brennan broke his back.

This time, the surf specialist compared both situations but made it clear that this time it was much worse. “To be honest, the fall of Shipstern was the closest to death I ever came.” because even when I broke my back on the East Coast in Governor’s Park I was conscious the whole time. It was just as dangerous, but this was like being knocked unconscious. “I really can’t explain it.”.

The tremendous wave at Shipstern Bluff in Tasmania.

Despite the accidents he went through and this last one being the worst of all, Brennan refuses to give up his passion for the board and the waves. “I love the ocean. I was pushing, I knew I was going against my fear and I guess you have to be willing to go to that place. And that’s what I did. “I feel blessed and really grateful for life and looking forward to spending time with everyone,” she commented.

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