The Government published in the Official Gazette the new “import regime of classic vehicles”, a regulation that already allows you to enter the country 30 -year -old or more cars through a simpler procedure to the current one.
This is a modification to the rules set at 2021 during the government of Alberto Fernández, which hardened the processes for the importation of these collection cars that, in addition to antiquity, have a FOB price that is not less than $ 12,000. This acronym comes from the English “Free on Board” and represents the value of the merchandise in its place of origin or at the time of a maritime transport.
The regulation of the import regime of classic vehicles had been established in June 2018 under the management of Mauricio Macrifacilitating the process so that the process was not “eternal”.
From this new measure signed by the Secretary of Industry and Commerce, Esteban Marzorati, the management will be further simplified, since several centered demands and procedures are eliminated, as well as Reduces the tax burden.
Among the outstanding changes, it is no longer mandatory for the seller – reached abroad – must submit a tax affidavit. In addition, for more efficient control the Import certificate of classic motor vehicles (Civac) to be presented before the General Directorate of Customs.
Importers must manage the CIVAC through the remote procedure platform (TAD), presenting the required documentation. Once the application is sent, the Import Directorate will have 10 days for evaluation and eventual approval.
The CIVAC has a year of validity from its broadcast date. Also, cars entered under this regime They cannot be sold or transferred for two years after their nationalization.
In addition, every six months (June and December) a report will be published with the number of presentations made in each period, taking into account the civac issued and rejected applications; total number of vehicles admitted to the period, territorial distribution (units per province); Statistical disaggregates per year of manufacturing, amounts, brand and vehicle model.