The Government puts pressure on the AFA and warns it that “it is obliged” to adapt its statute to allow SAD

The Government puts pressure on the AFA and warns it that “it is obliged” to adapt its statute to allow SAD

One day after the statement with which the AFA rejected the Sports Joint Stock Companies (SAD), the Government once again put pressure on the highest entity of Argentine football: it warned it that “has one year” to adapt its statute and allow clubs that wish to be SAD.

“The AFA has one year to adapt its statutes because There is a sports law that changed DNU 70which basically defines who are the participants of the sports system and the federations that participate in the sports law have to comply with the sports law,” emphasized the Minister of Deregulations, Federico Sturzenegger, in an interview with radio Miter.

Along those lines, he added: “It is obligatory, it will have one year from the regulationwhich will be released next week.” The official explained that the AFA is “simply obliged to understand that there is a sports law that says that there can be different corporate forms and that clubs that freely decide to organize themselves with that corporate form do not can be excluded from organizations.

In this way, the Government redoubled its pressure on the AFA, which this Friday and after an Executive Committee meeting insisted that only non-profit civil associations may compete.

“We met with the Executive Committee of the AFA and the Professional League in Ezeiza to, among other topics, clarify the inalterability of the Statute against the SAD“said the president of the AFA, Claudio Tapia, when sharing the statement.

In that text, the clubs indicated that the institution does not have the power to prevent a club from choosing to become SAD but that it is protected by the National Constitution to prevent its entry as a member of the AFA, denying it the possibility of participating in its tournaments. .

According to the letter shared by the Association, the modifications proposed by the Government “do not obligate or affect in any way the social statute of the AFA, being a ‘non-profit Civil Association’ an essential requirement to be a member of AFA.” , as freely decided by the AFA member entities.”

Sturzenegger’s statements after the AFA statement are in line with Milei’s own statements in recent weeks. In fact, before the Argentine team led by Lionel Scaloni became champion of America again, the President had insulted the AFA by pointing out that all the starting players of the Albiceleste team worked in Sports Joint Stock Companies.

“Technical question,” Milei begins by saying, in an ironic tone: “If AFA opposes Sports Joint Stock Companies, why does it allow the starting team to come from these companies? Could it be that the results are important and the SADs have the best? No more poor socialism in football,” he noted.

In the interview this Saturday, Sturzenegger said that he was impressed by “how scary freedom is”, in reference to the fact that the AFA opposes clubs choosing.


Federico Sturzenegger, Minister of Deregulation and Transformation, targeted the AFA for its refusal to implement the SAD.

“How impressive how freedom is scary, because what the DNU says, in regards to Sports Joint Stock Companies, is that companies will have more freedom to choose the corporate figure they want. At the total discretion and will of the club members if they want to do it,” the official insisted.

And he added: “Why are we afraid of freedom?“.

Sturzenegger noted that “no one is forcing anyone to do anything,” and added: “What does seem surprising is that the organization itself says ‘I don’t want the other to be free,’ because this is an agenda of freedom.”

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