The Government of Spain fines the promoter of Rosario de Ferraz with 3,600 euros

On the first of the three days, Calderón limited himself to directing the Holy Rosary as every day and, at the end, he commented that he had received a letter from the Government Delegation in which it was stated that those who pray occupy the road and that that afternoon they were not going. to let that happen. Calderón appealed to the conscience of each person to act as they see fit at the end of the Rosary and denounced that the Executive wants to put an end to the Rosary, because “they are aware that prayers work,” as can be seen in the recording made by the half spanish OK Diary. “We are going to continue praying with or without permission from the Government delegation,” said Calderón, pointing out that “praying to the Virgin Mary for Spain can never be a crime or administrative offense.”

After offering a statement to the media, Calderón left, disassociating himself from what happened next.

On January 3At the end of the prayer, he addressed those present to encourage them to “pray to the Lord, Jesus Christ, so that our nation and so that Good, Truth and Beauty end up triumphing. This is our great antidote, our great weapon.”

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