The explanation of the Baliño referee for the controversial kick of Tarzia in Banfield-Independiente: “There is no excessive abrupt”

Jorge Baliño did not consider an error The omission of the expulsion of Diego Tarziaof Independentwho committed a foul to Gerónimo RiveraBanfield’s offensive flyer, who ended up injured and had to leave the court crying in the match that ended 0 to 0 at Florencio Sola, during the 22 minutes that subtracted from the suspended last Sunday because of the storm. The drill player had difficulty going to the locker room and studied him, although he would have nothing serious.

“On the court the sensation was always yellow, more than anything for the tactical issue. The fact of cutting a promising attack. It does not seem to me that there is excessive abruptness, there is no serious sudden game, The infraction occurs from the side with a collection leg that performs a zancadilla, “he said.

“The injury is more product of the field of play, which in that sector was very lazy, product of the rains that fell until today at noon and did not give time to recover the field. Now they were telling me That ankle had it hurt before. Maybe the product of that sprained is magnified. I saw her again, it is a clear yellow. On the court he gave me doubts when I saw him crying. I thought I could touch me a review. But the VAR coincided with me that it was not promising attack or excessive abruptness. It was decided to hold the yellow, “he added in dialogue with D Sports Radio.

It is not usual for a judge to give a public explanation of a ruling. Moreover: from the Directorate of Arbitration, in charge of Federico Beligoy, They recommend affiliates not to formulate statements. Anyway, Baliño’s explanation is absurd. He denies the sudden game when the regulation indicates that it corresponds to expulsion when there is no dispute of the ball and sticks to an adversary back.

More Baliño

“We talked to Danilo Gerlo (DT Broggi field assistant) at the end of the game, worried about Rivera, a franchise player, they said that it is the figure. I made the appreciation of how the dispute was. It is in them if they agree. They are decisions of the moment. The VAR had the possibility of reviewing and shared. I understand that they feel angry because the star player was injured. that accidental that abrupt independent player “.

“I try to have interaction with the managers of the VAR. When I have time to reinforce the considerations, that one running tries to transmit. Perhaps, there are considerations and I take the opportunity to reinforce so that they corroborate if I am right. One, when it is delayed, one can think of what another saw was not what happened. There was time to review, because they attended to a player, and agreed. It has no strength for red, the yellow comes because of the tactical than by abruptness, for cutting an advance. ”

In addition, he referred to the warning to Iván Marcone, which carries suspension, but leaves it clean to play in front of Racing. “I was aware that I could seek the admonition because on two dates the classic plays. The yellow was due to the fault, not because she is armed. He sought to be admonished, he committed a foul. I have to admonish him for what he does in the field not for what he has ahead,” he explained

“The game was an achievement. The referee had been Silvio Trucco, who had to travel through Libertadores to Guayaquil. I spoke with him to consult him for situations that could happen that one did not know, of time recovery for what happened in the more than 60 minutes played,” he said for the situation of replacing his colleague.

“Independent players also claimed a player who could have been expelled,” Baliño said.

Video: Tarzia’s apologies to Rivera

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