The Divine Mercy of Christ: 6 saints who lived his example

Saint Teresa of Calcutta He lived the mercy of Jesus in his service to the poorest in the world, for example, he used to “pick up the dying and the poor literally from the sewers,” Pronechen details, and he did it all with joy.

The saint used to call all the poor people she served “Jesus in disguise”; she always “treated them with great kindness and dignity, she fed them and assisted them while they were dying, and she truly put into action the corporal works of mercy,” explains Pronechen.

Furthermore, he used to encourage others to do the same in their own way. “Calcuttas are everywhere, if only we had eyes to see. Find your Calcutta,” she said. “Talk to them tenderly. May there be kindness in your face, in your gaze, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a happy smile. Give not only your care, but also your heart,” she noted.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta used to say that “Jesus made it very clear: whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me. You give a glass of water and you give it to me. You welcome a little child, and you welcome me.”

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