General Juan Domingo Perón told Pocho while he used the pseudonym Descartes to sign his articles in the newspaper Democracy. During his exile, after the sanction of Decree 4161 that prohibited appointing and suggested to the press referring to him as The fugitive tyranthis followers called him The man, P five, The male o The absent.
The second president of the “Liberating Revolution” will be General Pedro Eugenio Aramburu, known as The Basquewhile the vice president, Admiral Isaac Rojas, called him Black ant for his complexion as his glasses that assimilated him to a cartoon character of the time.
After the 1958 elections, Dr. Arturo Frondizi will assume, known as The skinny o Closed umbrellafor its remarkable thinness.
After the coup d’etat 1962, José María Guido assumed known as The baron of Río Negro.
Dr. Arturo Illia knew him affectionately as The old manalthough he was only 66 years old when assuming the presidency. From a famous cartoon published by the cartoonist Juan Carlos Colombres, Landrú, in the magazine Aunt Vicentabegan to be known by his enemies as The turtlewhich contradicted the intensity put by him to his government management.
His overthrow, General Juan Carlos Onganía, will go down in history as The gripalso from a drawing of Landrú. Roberto Marcelo Levingston called him The jeep Because he was square, military and had imported it from the United States. The general who threw it, Alejandro Agustín Lanusse, nicknamed him The canoefor her white hair.
After the recovery of democracy in 1973, Héctor Cámpora will assume, called The uncle Because he was the brother of “Dad”, that is, the general. After his forced resignation, Raúl Lastiri assumed, whom Tato Bores baptized José tie for its collection of more than 300 ties. After his internship he assumed the presidency Juan Domingo Perón, The old man.
His death left his wife and vice-president, María Estela Martínez de Perón in the presidency, who already had an artistic name, Isabelbut it was known as Chabela or Isabelita.
After his overthrow for the 1976 civic-military coup, dictator Jorge Rafael Videla, known as The pink pantherfor his physical resemblance to the noble character. Roberto Viola called him Vieja Viola For the famous tango.
His successor, Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, remained in history as The drunk for obvious and verifiable reasons. After the Malvinas disaster, the last dictator assumed, General Reynaldo Bignone who did not even deserve the attention of the nicknames.
The return to democracy came from Raúl Alfonsín, called The GalicianRaúl or Alfonso. His successor, Carlos Menem, received different nicknames: The TurkCarlos Saul first and Bad dogbecause I was tied to the “background.”
Fernando de la Rúa was known as Pacifier for assuming as senator in 1973 with 35 years. Of that tragic week of the end of 2001 in which we had five presidents, there was no time to put nicknames.
Alberto Duhalde was already known since his time as mayor of Lomas de Zamora as The big head. Nestor Kirchner liked them to call him The penguin. His wife and successor, Cristina was known as CFK, Cris, Reina Cristina y The mare for their detractors.
Susana Giménez baptized Mauricio Macri as Evil president And his opponents called him RECOGRAPHER TAKER. Alberto Fernández told him Alverso And to the current one, Javier Milei, his followers call him The lion and his detractors My law.
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