The Catholic Church seeks to revitalize the First Announcement in the face of secularization in Spain

The Catholic Church seeks to revitalize the First Announcement in the face of secularization in Spain

Thus, to carry out the first announcement “it is not necessary to be experts, nor to give great speeches”, nor is it something exclusive to ordained ministers and consecrated life, but rather it must be put into practice in daily life, “heart to heart” in the family, work, the media, educational and health fields, and leisure and free time.

The second objective is that the first announcement must have a “community, ecclesial dimension” and that the Church considers “how to evangelize in today’s society.” This is essential, she said, because “we don’t have the recipe and we are exploring paths.”

To achieve this objective it is necessary to overcome self-referentiality and “formalisms”, among other issues, and “open ourselves to the novelty that the Holy Spirit marks on us without fear.” This implies, he noted, a Church “that accompanies, that listens, that welcomes.”


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