The boutique that sells clothes by Mirtha Legrand, Natalia Oreiro and other stars

“I want this dress, this necklace and these shoes,” says a woman. “I would like to try on these pants,” asks another. “I’m looking for this coat,” a third customer points out after a while. Everyone, with their cell phone in their hand, showing a screenshot of some Instagram post from Bernie Catoira.

“People get angry because they come looking for what I showed and maybe that is no longer there. I always explain that they are unique garments,” says the image consultant who, for almost two years, has been publishing videos from the Casa del Teatro boutique to show the clothes that can be obtained at low cost.

His incorporation brought, in addition to a professional look, thousands of fashionista followers who join a new booming trend such as circular fashion. And therefore, an increase in sales.

The other day she brought Celeste Cid clothes and I thanked her infinitely. The Oreiros send us a lot. Cecilia Roth and Flor de la V also donate to us.

Linda PeretzPresident House of Theater

A little suit by Mirtha Legrand. The boutique is at Av. Santa Fe 1243, CABA. Open from Monday to Friday, from 2pm to 6pm. Photo: Fernando de la Orden.

From divas and top designers

Bernie Catoira advises several celebrities, including none other than Luisana Lopilato. Although she also has anonymous clients, who need her help when putting together a look for a party or event.

“Today no one spends 5 thousand dollars on a dress anymore. He prefers to go on a trip with that. That’s why I usually recommend, especially when you don’t have much of a budget, that you come to the boutique. There is everything and very good,” says the expert. And he adds: “There are party dresses for 50,000 pesos. Designs by Jorge Ibáñez that will never be made again. From a legendary… and they are here.”

The Casa del Teatro boutique has clothing and accessories donated by both anonymous people and recognized artists. From Mirtha Legrand outfits to Natalia Oreiro shoes, You can find a wide variety of clothing and accessories worn by celebrities at special events.

“There are dresses for 20,000 pesos. Nothing exceeds 100,000”, remarks Bernie Catoira while putting together looks on a mannequin and remembering how their collaboration in the store began.

“I already brought clothes but I left her like one more. I don’t really like public donation. One day I found out that they needed a little more help and since brands hire me to spread or show my chosen ones, it occurred to me to do the same here. Without charging of course,” the image consultant begins.

And he continues: “I think I add a lot by spreading the word and using my communication channels to bring together people who need to buy at a good price, with the boutique that needs to sell. From my humble place, that is what I can give.”

Bernie Catoria and one of the donated models.  Photo: Fernando de la Orden.Bernie Catoria and one of the donated models. Photo: Fernando de la Orden.

There are party dresses for 50,000 pesos. Designs by Jorge Ibáñez that will never be made again. They are legendary… and they are here.

Bernie CatoriaImage advisor

The history of the boutique

“Bernie is divine, very updated. I love him very much,” says Linda Peretz, the president of the Casa del Teatro Board of Directors. And she adds: “We have a lot of sales now and he collaborated enormously. He has a very generous soul. And that must be recognized.”

The prominent actress was the one who created the boutique seven years ago. “She was born from my desire to progress. I always wanted to build something here, at the Casa del Teatro, and This is an impressive economic resource. Before there was a fair that was held every winter vacation, but nothing more. It had very little infrastructure. In January 2017 I started the project with an architect friend who was already collaborating with us. The maintenance people took care of the painting, we got photos of artists to decorate the walls and people began to donate more and more. And now look what it is: a great boutique, an outlet,” says the artist.

Currently, 33 actors live in the Theater House. “You have to feed them, give them medicine, recreation… Now I brought in a new gym teacher, for example. Luckily we received several donations,” says Linda Peretz.

La Casa del Teatro is a non-profit Mutual Association. “It is a historic building, heritage of the City, where 16 employees work and earn a salary. The girls from the boutique, the administrators, the maintenance and kitchen people. “They are all fundamental,” says the actress.

Linda Peretz, president of the Theater House.  Photo: Fernando de la Orden.Linda Peretz, president of the Theater House. Photo: Fernando de la Orden.

A house without gas

The building, located at 1200 Santa Fe Avenue, was built in 1927 by Alejandro Virasoro, a very famous architect of the time, a specialist in the Art Deco style.

“He had studied in Italy and had participated in some designs in New York and Europe. At that time, Art Deco was effervescent,” indicates Linda Peretz, who began managing it in November 2016, when Julio Baccaro, the previous president of the Board of Directors, died.

“At that time I was vice president, so I took over in her place and I am very happy. It gives me great satisfaction to be at the Casa del Teatro. Thinking about the other, that my colleagues, the actors who cannot have their own house and cannot live anywhere but on the street, have this place. It gives me great satisfaction to think that I am helping them,” he says.

Linda Peretz confesses to being very dedicated to her role and highlights that she leads above all with desire. “Now, for example, we are without gas. I don’t know how it is resolved, because we have to do a construction, a survey. But there are people on the Board of Directors who take care of the technical part. Leonardo Salom, Maximilaino Ciavarelli, Eleonora Vallet, Rosa Rodríguez who is the legal advisor and lawyer, the heritage architect Fabio Grementieri. “We work as a team,” he says.

And adds: “This is a virtuous circle.. I always say that when you bring out the best from within, it turns out that the universe is contagious. We are making this place better and I hope it is the beginning of an improvement throughout the city, throughout the country and around the world. “We start at home.”

For that, then, Linda Peretz has several projects in mind that involve the boutique. “I would like to do the Cafecito de los Artistas. I would like the entire block to be a cultural pole. Let people come, have a coffee, take photos and look at the clothes. For that we would have to use the premises we have next door, but of course, we would have to become independent of that rent and we still can’t,” he says.

Meanwhile, the boutique is the largest source of money that the Casa del Teatro has. “I thought of it as a resource, to open the House to the world, but I didn’t imagine such an impact”, admite Peretz.

Shoes that walked on stages.  Photo: Fernando de la Orden.Shoes that walked on stages. Photo: Fernando de la Orden.

With the proceeds we pay for food, cleaning, the night watchman, the nurses, the kitchen girls… There are 33 artists living here.

Linda PeretzPresident House of Theater

The store has futuro

For the boutique to continue growing, donations are essential.

Mirtha Legrand is the great donor. She is very involved because she is honorary president of the Casa del Teatro. Also, I would like all the young boys and girls to join. Imagine, a t-shirt from Lali Espósito or China Suárez… It would give us a lot of money! The other day she brought Celeste Cid clothes and I thanked her infinitely. The Oreiros send us a lot. Cecilia Roth and Flor de la V also donate to us. We lend her clothes for the program and she names us permanently,” says Peretz.

For his part, Bernie Catoira, in addition to joining the request for solidarity help, states that he intends to do an own clothing brand and would like some of it to go towards the boutique.

“I think that the artists gave us everything. The people who live here are the ones who entertained us when we were kids. And the profession of the artist is very nice, but a little treacherous. The environment is complicated at times: one day they are up and the next, they are down. It is life itself. I know how to do this and I do it with love. If I were a carpenter I would have offered to make beds,” she adds.

The specialist thus became one of the reference images of the boutique. And not only do they thank him from there but also his followers, who look for good prices when buying. “I am very surprised by the affection of the people. Because fashion was always distant. I worked as a model when I was a kid and it was kind of cold. That’s why he caught my attention and asked me how they love me so much. Because they do it with an artist, yes, but with me…”, she adds.

The boutique is almost a museum of entertainment.  Photo: Fernando de la Orden.The boutique is almost a museum of entertainment. Photo: Fernando de la Orden.

What do you need today?

As for donations, Bernie Catoira says that what they receive the most are dresses and shoes. “More accessories would be needed. Even a hoop that your partner doesn’t have can be used to make a brooch. There are people here who take care of that and get everything ready. The clothes are clean, perfumed. When they receive them, they wash them or send them to the dry cleaners. That’s why the clothes don’t smell like they’ve been put away,” she says. And he says: “Here you find everything from jeans to fascinators, headdresses, gloves. “A lot of people buy our clothes to make movies.”

Finally, over coffee in Linda Peretz’s office, which is located behind the racks loaded with unisex clothing, the artist and the image consultant invite you to visit the boutique that helps the actors who live there so much.

“With the proceeds we pay for the food, the cleaning, the night watchman, the nurses, the kitchen girls… “There are people who have worked here for more than thirty years and the salaries are high due to seniority,” he assures. What is left is will. And models to sell.

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