The 2023 call of the Capba Award It was an opportunity for its students to participate with works inside and outside the territory of the province of Buenos Aires. This was indicated in section 2 of Art 3.1 of the bases and it was for this reason that there were awards and mentions for projects built in CABA.
Establishment eight categories but there ended up being six that were awarded. In 7, Procrear Housing, the Jury made up of Rocío Solla, Fabio Estremera and Eduardo Puszczykdecided to recategorize the only work presented in category 2, Detached Individual Housing.
In the case of category 8, Housing promoted by the Statethe jury made up of Emilia Vulcano, Jose Luis Dametti and Rodolfo Frolik resolved declare it deserted and clarified that only one work had also been presented.
The other six categories also had a special jury for each case.
Category 1, Individual home between party walls, received 22 projects. The selection was in charge of Vulcano, Dametti and Frolik. They also chose the winners of categories 3, 4, 5 and 6.
In the 3, Multifamily housing up to three levelsthey received 11 works while in 4, Vmulti-family home with more than four levelsthey analyzed 13 jobs.
In category 5, Non-residential buildings and ephemeral architecturethey made a selection from six jobs who competed. And for the sixth category, Interventions in heritage worksthey received four projects and they rewarded the four.
The other team, Solla, Estremera and Puszczyk, was in charge of category 2, Isolated individual homein which they analyzed 55 works. In addition to category 7.
Phany House was the winner in housing between party walls, category 1. The House in San Sebastian obtained first in category 2, Detached individual home. He Condo in City Bell Chico took the top award in category 3, Multifamily housing up to three levels

Lumen was recognized in Multifamily Housing with more than four levels and Must be in Non-residential buildings and ephemeral architecture. For its part, Villa in Mar del Plata came in first place in Interventions in heritage works.