This year, EWTN and ACI Press celebrate 45 years of Foundation, marking almost half a century of commitment to evangelization through the media.
To commemorate this anniversary, we collect from National Catholic Register las 20 of the most inspiring phrases of Mother Angelicafounder of Ewtn, whose legacy continues to illuminate millions of people worldwide.
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1. “Union with God means praying continuously.”
2. “You may be the only Jesus that your neighbor will see once.”
3. “God wants you to be in the world, but so different from the world that you transform it. Get underway! ”
4. “If you follow God, He will never show you the end. It will always be a path of faith. ”
5. “Faith is what starts you. Hope is what keeps you on its way. Love is what takes you to the end. ”
6. “Your plans, your projects, your dreams should always be bigger than you, so that God has space to act. I want you to have good ideas, crazy ideas, extravagant ideas. Nothing is too much for the Lord. ”
7. “You can take any part of Scripture and marvel at the providence of God.”
8. “Joy is a sign of God’s presence in us.”
9. “While most men work for titles that go after their names, we work for one that goes before the names: holy.”
10. “You have all eternity to experience the presence of God, but very little time to do something for Him.”
11. “Try to laugh a lot, because life is funny and today everyone takes too seriously. The only tragedy in the world, my friend, is sin. ”
12. “Holiness is not for weak, and the cross is not negotiable, it is a requirement.”
13. “Do you really think God loves you? If you do, you will know that everything that happens in your life is for your good. ”
14. “Let’s not be confused by the talents and missions of other saints. Let’s be the saints that we were created to be. ”
15. “I am not here to win friends and influence people. I am here to do God’s will. ”
16. “It doesn’t matter if you are 5 or 105, God, from all eternity, chose you to be where you are, at this time in history, to change the world.”
17. “Sometimes we ask God and it seems that we get exactly the opposite. God sees the whole chapter. You just see the beginning. ”
18. “It is because Jesus suffered, and we join our pain to his, that suffering changes and transforms us.”
19. “A soul that trusts God is invincible.”
20. “You must enjoy life without clinging to it. Have enthusiasm for life, but desire of heaven. And see God in all things, knowing that it transcends them. ”