The 2023 edition of the Walking Festival begins

The 2023 edition of the Walking Festival begins

Like every year since 2012, thousands of people will set off this weekend to explore the streets of Buenos Aires guided through walks that cross the city with themes ranging from literature and urbanismuntil accessibility, diversity, sexuality and artificial intelligence. In order to promote a friendlier, humane and pedestrian city, the proposals invite people to walk through different neighborhoods to connect with the environment in a different way.

The Walking Festival is an experience that explores and highlights the urban cultural diversity that exists in Buenos Aires and that allows us to learn about identities based on plurality of voices that are part of the festival. All walks are free. The organization recommends carrying charged cell phones and headphones.

This year, the Festival opens with “Walking is political”, on Friday the 10th at 7 p.m. And it continues on Saturday the 11th at 11 a.m. with “Open House Camina Retiro” (whose meeting point is the Ateliers for artists of Suipacha and Paraguay, “San Telmo: Spaces, transformations and identities” whose theme is accessibility, diversity and identity and “Three cities south of the city”on social housing and urbanization.

At 4 p.m., the same Saturday, “Stereotypes in the city”on neurosciences, “Of blood”about dramaturgy, fiction and alternative heritage activation and “I choose to believe. The road to the third star.

At 6 p.m., sexual diversity arrives with “The fear and pleasure of not belonging” y “The Road to Gondolin”. The walk will depart at the same time. “Food and medicine in weeds and urban trees”.

On Sunday the 12th at 11 a.m., ““Mugica with open doors”the visit to the Padre Carlos Mugica neighborhood, is a tour with space and prior registration (which at the closing of this note was almost complete).

At that same time, they are also “Can artificial intelligence guide a walk?”, “What do you see when you see me?” y “The way: time and movement”.

To spend the afternoon, the proposals are “Walking underground. Stories from the subway, “Portal to linking muses”, “One step, one game” (for childhoods) and “In the port you drink in the landscape. Prowls around the Riachuelo and La Boca”. Finally, the 2023 edition concludes at 6 p.m. with “Non-everyday ways of crossing public space.”

To participate, you just have to check the festival networks for the schedules and show up at the meeting point indicated for the chosen hike. Information about the walks:

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