Synod on Synodality: The Vatican approves new work and study groups

Synod on Synodality: The Vatican approves new work and study groups

7. Some aspects of the figure and ministry of the Bishop (in particular: the selection criteria of candidates for the episcopate, the judicial function of the Bishop, the nature and development of visits at the threshold of the Apostles) in a missionary synodal perspective.

8. The role of the Pontifical Representatives from a missionary synodal perspective.

9. Theological criteria and synodal methodologies for a shared discernment of controversial doctrinal, pastoral and ethical issues.

10. The reception of the fruits of the ecumenical path in ecclesial praxis.

The General Secretariat of the Synod affirms that “The themes of the IdS that will be the subject of discernment are excluded from the list indicated by the Holy Father” in the second session of the Synod of Synodality next October.

However, he also points out that “it is not possible to draw a clear line of demarcation between the topics covered by the work of the second session and those included in the list” proposed by Pope Francis.

For the formation of these Study Groups, experts are required to be involved, bishops from different parts of the world “identified according to their competence and taking care to respect the variety of geographical origins, disciplinary areas, gender and ecclesial condition necessary for an approach.” authentically synodal.”

In September 2024, they must deliver “a brief report with instructions on the topic” of study and conclude their work “if possible, before the end of June 2025.”

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