Synod of Synodality: 3 Spaniards will participate in the meeting of parish priests

Thus, the priest from Coria-Cárceres Miguel Ángel González will be present at the international meeting, who carries out his pastoral work in a marginal neighborhood of the city of Cáceres and is a parish priest in the town of Salorino, with 500 inhabitants.

Upon learning of his appointment, he expressed feeling “very honored,” considering the fact as a personal privilege and for the diocese. “I feel immense gratitude and it is a gift for me and, at the diocesan level, that at the level of the country, of Spain, one of the three Spanish representatives from our diocese is a joy,” according to him. the website of the Diocese of Coria-Cácereslocated in the west of Spain.

Representing the rural parish priests of the Catholic Church who travel to Spain, the priest of the Diocese of Zamora, Teófilo Nieto, who is in charge of 43 parishes in the Archpriest of Aliste-Alba, will come to Sacrofano.

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