Synod of Synodality 2024: A list of women who are examples of diakonia

A kind of synod within the synod. These are the ten study groups that had to analyze some specific topics and that yesterday presented their reports to the Assembly. A little disappointing, to be honest.

Firstly, because it is not clear what importance they have for the purposes of a possible post-synodal document, and also because they do not propose anything new. Except perhaps in a couple of cases: the role of women in the Church and the role of bishops.

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The report of the Canonical Commission of the Synod focuses on the meaning of episcopal “synodality”, which Pope Francis has also spoken about. The pastoral councils, their role, the relationship with the bishops, deliberative unionism, are the issues addressed, but not resolved. The hypothesis is that an “instruction” will be published, but the timing is unknown. And what will be the Pope’s contribution?

Another topic loved by the media is the role of women. The “no” to diaconal ministry is clear in the report of the group dedicated to theological and canonical issues of some forms of ministry. Even if there is talk of new investigations despite the two commissions and the Pope’s no.

But more than a ministerial diaconate, we speak of a diaconate that can be defined as pastoral. And here comes a list of saints and lay people, including non-believers, who would have exercised it.

Here they are: “Matilda of Canossa with her energetic support of the papacy; Hildegard of Bingen with the high manifestations of her multifaceted intelligence, her administration of the monastic community and her intense pastoral activity; Bridget of Sweden with her constant concern for the poorest; Catherine of Siena with her brave evangelical parrhesia; Joan of Arc with her generous commitment to her people; Teresa of Ávila with her contribution to the Catholic Reformation and political and literary mysticism; ; María Montessori with her visionary educational inspiration; Armida Barelli and her great commitment to the Catholic laity; Dorothy Day and her prophetic social impulse; Madeleine Delbrêl and her profound mystical spirituality and many others who have made a significant contribution to the life of the people of God”.

The other groups present interesting ideas, such as those dedicated to the role of papal representatives and the review of the The fundamental system of Priestly Institutionboth in a missionary synodal perspective.

Predictable are the themes of attention to the poor and ecumenism. It is also worth reading the report dedicated to the review, from a synodal and missionary perspective, of the documents that regulate the relations between bishops, consecrated life and ecclesial aggregations, in light of the numerous changes that the Pope has imposed to the various movements and aggregations.

Also interesting, although it may not seem innovative, is the report of the group dedicated to theological criteria and synodal methodologies for a shared discernment of controversial doctrinal, pastoral and ethical issues. It is reiterated that “it is not about proclaiming and applying doctrinal principles stated in the abstract, but about living the experience of faith vitally.” A principle wanted by Pope Francis.

And the Synod Secretariat clarified today that the “groups are called to favor the effective participation of all members, but also to remain open to broader participation, that of the entire People of God.”

In short, the study arguments can continue to be topics of the Synod and also of the Church until June 2025.

The General Secretariat of the Synod, according to a “synodal” method, will be in charge of collecting the material that will be sent to it, transmitting it periodically to the group or groups interested.

Overall, this first synodal stage seems richer in words than in actions, or even in real proposals. But we are only at the beginning of this second consultative session that should open a new operational and, in fact, synodal phase. Whatever that really means.

Translated and adapted by the ACI Prensa team. Originally published in ACI Press.

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