Successor of Don Bosco resigns from the position of superior of the Salesians in obedience to the Pope

Successor of Don Bosco resigns from the position of superior of the Salesians in obedience to the Pope

This August 16, the day on which the Salesian family celebrates the 209th birthday of Don Bosco, Cardinal Ángel Fernández resigned from his position as superior general of the Salesians, as ordered by Pope Francis and before the Salesian Synod of Young People of all over the world, which took place in the place where the saint of youth was born.

The Salesian News Agency (ANS) published the resignation letter in which the archbishop also explains his decision for three reasons.

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First of all, it describes that when he was created cardinal in 2023, the Pope granted him the Diacony of Saint Mary Help of Christians and then gave him the titular see of Ursona, for which he received episcopal ordination in April 2024.

On the other hand, it refers to the canon 705 of the Code of Canon Law in which it is stipulated that “the religious elevated to the episcopate continues to be a member of his institute, but, by the vow of obedience, he is subject exclusively to the Roman Pontiff.”

Likewise, he recalls that by a decree the Pope granted him “in an exceptional manner” to continue his service as superior of the Salesians until today, August 16, 2024. In this sense, “once the time established by said decree has expired, as of “On today’s date I cease to hold office as Rector Major of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales,” he says.

The direction of the Salesian congregation is now in the hands of the Vicar, Don Stefano Martoglio, who assumes interim charge of one of the largest religious communities in the world until the Salesians elect a new rector major at the 29th general chapter, which will be held from February 16 to April 12, 2025 in Turin, Italy.

Salesian Synod of Young People, a call for fidelity to the Church

Cardinal Fernández signed his letter of resignation at the end of the Mass that was celebrated in the Basilica of Don Boscowhich rises over the place where Saint John Bosco was born.

There were 375 young people from all over the world present who participated in the Salesian Synod of Youth which took place from Sunday, August 11 to this Friday, the 16th.

According to the Salesian News Website of SpainDuring his homily, the cardinal called for fidelity to the charism and highlighted that it is “the Holy Spirit who guides the Church and accompanies the ministry of the Vicar of Christ, at this time, Pope Francis.”

The emotional “thank you” from the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco

Cardinal Fernández sent a letter of thanks to the entire Salesian Family in which he indicates that he signed his resignation, as indicated in the Salesian Constitutions and Regulations, “when called by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for another service.”

In the letter he also thanks the entire Salesian family for these 10 years in which, as rector major, he was able to be at their service. “With all my heart, thank you, and goodbye! of your brother who is and will always be a Salesian of Don Bosco”, he concludes.

It is necessary to indicate that Cardinal Fernández is no longer superior of the Salesians, but in the Salesian tradition he will maintain the honorary title of “Tenth Successor of Saint John Bosco.”

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