Spiritual Director of ACN: From the joy of bringing Jesus springs the need to help others

Fr. Anton Lässer, a Passionist priest, assumed the position of ecclesiastical assistant of ACN in April 2023, and since then his main task is to ensure spiritual life in the 23 national offices that the foundation has.

At the end of April he visited the ACN Colombia headquarters after participating in the presentation of the new office in Peru. During his stay in the Colombian capital, the priest explained to ACI Prensa that his first action upon assuming office “was to reinforce the spiritual life in the headquarters” located in Germany.

“Since before I arrived, Holy Mass was celebrated every day. Now the Rosary, Lauds and Vespers are prayed every day. Afterwards we began to organize retreats, also with the entire management, to reflect on our charisma and on the foundations of faith,” he highlights.

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