Speech by Pope Francis to authorities and diplomatic corps in Singapore

We offer the official version provided by the Vatican of the speech addressed by Pope Francis to the authorities, representatives of civil society and the diplomatic corps at the National University of Singapore on September 12, 2024.

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Mr. President,
distinguished authorities,
illustrious representatives of civil society,
members of the Diplomatic Corps:

I thank Mr. President for the cordial words of welcome that he has kindly addressed to me and which renew my appreciation for his recent visit to the Vatican. I thank all the authorities for the warm welcome in your city-state, a commercial confluence of great importance and a meeting place between different peoples.

Whoever arrives here for the first time is impressed by the forest of ultra-modern skyscrapers that seem to rise from the sea. They are a clear testament to human ingenuity, the dynamism of Singapore society and the acumen of the entrepreneurial spirit, which have found fertile ground to develop here.

Singapore is a story of growth and resilience. From its humble origins, this nation has reached a high level of development, demonstrating that this is the result of rational decisions and not chance. It is the result of a constant commitment to carry out well-considered projects and initiatives in tune with the specific characteristics of the place. Precisely these days we celebrate the one hundred and first anniversary of the birth of Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, who held this position from 1959 to 1990 and gave a great impetus to the rapid growth and transformation of the country.

Furthermore, it is important that Singapore has not only prospered economically, but has strived to build a society in which social justice and the common good are held in high regard. I think particularly of your dedication to improving the living conditions of citizens through public housing policies, with high-quality education and an efficient health system. I hope these efforts will continue until all Singaporeans are fully involved.

In this regard, I would like to point out the risk that a certain type of pragmatism and a certain exaltation of merit entail, that is, the unintended consequence of legitimizing the exclusion of those who are outside the benefits of progress.

In this regard, I recognize and praise the various policies and initiatives put in place to support the weakest, and I hope that particular attention will be paid to the poor, the elderly – whose efforts have laid the foundations of the Singapore we know today – and also to protect the dignity of migrant workers, who contribute so much to the construction of society, and who must be guaranteed a fair salary.

The sophisticated technologies of the digital age and the rapid development in the use of artificial intelligence cannot make us forget that it is essential to cultivate real and concrete human relationships; and that these technologies can be used precisely to bring us closer to each other, promoting understanding and solidarity, and not to dangerously isolate us in a fictitious and intangible reality.

Singapore is a mosaic of ethnicities, cultures and religions that coexist in harmony. This word is very important: harmony. The realization and preservation of this positive integration is favored by the impartiality of public powers, committed to a constructive dialogue with everyone, making it possible for each one to make their own contribution to the common good and preventing extremism and intolerance from gaining strength. and endanger social peace. Reciprocal respect, collaboration, dialogue and the freedom to profess one’s beliefs, abiding by the law in force, are determining conditions for the success and stability achieved by Singapore, which are requirements for development that is not conflictual or chaotic, but balanced and sustainable. .

The Catholic Church in Singapore, since the beginning of its presence, has strived to offer its peculiar contribution to the progress of this nation, especially in the sectors of education and health, using the spirit of sacrifice and dedication of the missionaries and of the faithful. Always animated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Catholic community is also at the forefront of charitable works, contributing significantly to humanitarian efforts and managing, to this end, different health institutions and numerous humanitarian organizations, including Cáritas, that we all know.

The Church, in addition – in accordance with the indications of the Declaration In our age of the Second Vatican Council, on relations with non-Christian religions—has constantly promoted interreligious dialogue and collaboration between different communities of faith, in a spirit of openness and reciprocal respect, fundamental attitudes for the construction of a just society. and peaceful.

My visit takes place on the 43rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Singapore. Its purpose is to confirm Catholics in their faith and to exhort them to continue with joy and dedication their collaboration with all men and women of good will, in favor of the construction of a healthy and cohesive civil society, of the common good and of a transparent testimony of his own faith.

Singapore also has a specific role to play in the international order – let us not forget this – an order that is today threatened by conflicts and bloody wars, and I am glad that it has with great merit promoted multilateralism and a system based on common rules for all. I encourage you to continue working for the unity and fraternity of the human race, for the benefit of the common good of all, of all peoples and of all nations, with a spirit that is neither exclusive nor focused solely on national interests.

And I would also like to remember the role played by the family, the first place where each person learns to relate to others, to be loved and to love. In current social conditions, the foundations on which families are based are being questioned and risk being weakened. It is necessary that conditions be established so that families can transmit the values ​​that give meaning and shape to life, and teach young people to establish solid and healthy relationships. For this reason, I praise the efforts made in order to promote, protect and sustain family unity through the intervention of different institutions.

We cannot hide the fact that we are experiencing an environmental crisis today, and we should not underestimate the impact that a small nation like Singapore can have in that area. Their exclusive location offers them access to capital, technology and talent, resources that can guide innovation to care for the health of our common home.

Its commitment to sustainable development and the preservation of creation is an example to follow, and its search for innovative solutions to address environmental challenges can encourage other countries to do the same. Singapore is a shining example of what humanity can achieve by working together in harmony, with a sense of responsibility and in an inclusive and fraternal spirit. This is like the summary of what your behavior should be: working together, in harmony, with a sense of responsibility and with a spirit of fraternity and inclusion. I encourage you to follow this path, trusting in God’s promise and in his fatherly love for all.

Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, may God help you respond to the needs and expectations of your people, and encourage you to experience that, with those who remain humble and grateful, He can accomplish great things for the good of all.

May God bless Singapore.


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