Spanish priest accused of alleged abuse against an adult acquitted

The Diocese of Plasencia (Spain) has confirmed in a statement The acquittal of a priest accused of alleged sexual assault on an adult was released this May 24.

On May 7th, opened the oral trial against the priest accused of alleged abuse against the nephew of another priest, now an adult, during a meal held in June 2023.

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The bishopric has reported that on Thursday, May 23, the Criminal Court No. 2 of Salamanca has made public the sentence absolving the priest of the crime with which he had been charged.

Although there is still the option to appeal, the Diocese of Plasencia “welcomes the court ruling and will continue to work for transparency and the prevention and eradication of any situation of this nature.” Likewise, they ask for “respect for all people involved.”

It should be noted that the accused priest was, at the time of the events, parish priest of the church of Santa María de Béjar and the Prosecutor’s Office requested a year in prison.

In addition, the Public Ministry demanded that absolute disqualification be imposed, two years of supervised freedom, an equal period of prohibition from approaching less than 500 meters from the victim and also from communication by any means. Furthermore, in terms of civil liability, compensation of 43 euros was requested.

On the day of the alleged abuse, while his ordained ministry partner was resting, the accused would have taken the young people to church where his inappropriate attitude would have caused a reactive anxiety crisis for the young man.

The Diocese of Plasencia, in a statement broadcast on May 6, he “deeply regretted the pain and scandal that the news itself produces.”

In the text, it was assured that from the moment the facts became known, “the pertinent canonical measures were adopted in accordance with the provisions and precautionary measures taken by Justice and with absolute respect for the presumption of innocence.”

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