Spanish bishop to Biden: Invoking Jesus Christ to support abortion is sacrilegious

Spanish bishop to Biden: Invoking Jesus Christ to support abortion is sacrilegious

Beyond the specific case, the prelate has made an analysis of the main candidates for the presidential elections in the United States, Joe Biden and Donald Trump: “In a nation like the United States, are there not going to be professionals from both the Democratic Party and “As of the Republican Party with a moral highness that can represent their parties with dignity before the electorate?” In his opinion, both Biden and Trump lack that moral height.

“Look at what Biden means with his deterioration, even psychological, by running again for the Presidency of the Government, with this absolute desecration of his own values, having made the cause of abortion, the spread of abortion throughout the world, almost its maximum value,” he said of the Democratic Party candidate.

Regarding Donald Trump, Bishop Munilla has stated that, “although he has defended the pro-life cause and not completely, but in a forceful way, he is involved in many cases in which his moral height has undoubtedly been deeply affected.”

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