Spanish archbishop calls to defend human life in all its stages and situations

Defending human life from conception to natural death and in all its situations is the call of the archbishop of Valencia (Spain), Mons. Enrique Benavent Vidal, within the framework of Children’s Day at birth that will be held on March 25.

This day coincides with the solemnity of the announcement, in which the announcement of the angel is commemorated to the Virgin Mary about the incarnation of the Lord.

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Within that framework, the Prelate published its letter entitled Defending life is sowing hopein which he pointed out that Christians are called “to be sown of hope fighting for life and the dignity of all people.”

In that sense, he invited to take advantage of the 2025 jubilee to “sow hope in the hearts of the sick”, of the young people, of the migrants, of the exiles, of the elderly, the poor and the families “who are afraid to host a new life.”

This is because “in our world there are many people who, humanly speaking, have no reasons to live with hope.”

He indicated that “they are those whose dignity is not respected and whose rights are violated: the victims of any attack against their life”, who suffer the violation of their integrity; “Deportations victims, those who live in subhuman conditions of life, who suffer arbitrary arrests, people under prostitution.”

There are also “the poor who are victims of the selfish and injustices of our economic system, who suffer the consequences of wars, who suffer the consequences of gender ideology, victims of sexual abuse, women who suffer violence, … etc.”.

Mons. Benavent said that only the Christian hope in eternal life can be credible, if we defend the dignity of the human life of all people “, at all times and situations.

“It is not a Christian to defend life in the beginning or the end and justify, provoke or disregard the dramas that those people whose dignity is not respected is live. Nor does it correspond to a Christian vision of life to consider abortion and euthanasia as a right and socially justify them,” he said.

The Archbishop of Valencia called to create “social conditions and a legislative framework that favor birth and believe the conditions for people to face the end of this life with dignity, so that no one feels temptation to desire death.”

“A society and a culture that lead to live the beginning and the end of life as a threat sow hopelessness. Only a world that value, promote and defend human life and its dignity at all times and situations, from conception to its natural end lives from hope,” he said.

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