Spain: Catholics and other Christians constitute Interdenominational Dialogue Table

This Monday, the Interdenominational Dialogue Table was established in the Episcopalian cathedral of Madrid (Spain), in which ten Christian confessions participate and which is the result of two years of contacts and meetings.

In February 2022, a first joint celebration was held on the occasion of Fraternity Day. Since then, representatives of the Christian confessions present in Spain have managed to agree on a document called Interdenominational Dialogue Table of Spain. Operating rules in which its objectives are defined.

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The purposes of the Interdenominational Dialogue Table are: “to promote dialogue and collaboration for the common good among the Christian confessions present in Spain on those topics that are timely”; “ensure and work to guarantee the adequate exercise of the fundamental right to religious freedom of believers” and “provide fundamental values ​​to society, highlighting the capacity of the Christian faith to build bridges between people.”

To achieve these goals, the new institution proposes to maintain a “respectful, sincere and constructive” dialogue about the objectives “with respect for the identity of each of its members,” according to informs the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE).

In addition, they will seek “the promotion of reciprocal knowledge and/or the exchange of resources, when possible according to their own doctrines” and cooperate jointly “in areas of common interest and in initiatives or projects that allow their members to give a common testimony.” of service to society.”

The presidency of the Dialogue Table has fallen to the executive secretary of the Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain (FEREDE), Carolina Bueno. Mons. Timotei Lauran, bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Church of Spain and Portugal, and Mons. Ramón Valdivia Gómez, president of the Episcopal Subcommission for Interfaith Relations of the EEC, will collaborate with her as vice presidents.

Father Rafael Vázquez, director of the secretariat of the same subcommission of the EEC, was elected as secretary of the Dialogue Table.

The following Christian entities are part of the Interdenominational Dialogue Table of Spain:

Spanish Episcopal Conference (Catholic Church).

Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain.

Metropolis of Spain and Portugal of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Bishopric of the Romanian Orthodox Church of Spain and Portugal.

Bishopric of the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in Spain Orthodox Apostolic Church of Armenia.

Syro-Orthodox Church of Antioch.

Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church (Anglican Communion).

Spanish Evangelical Church.

German Speaking Evangelical Church (Madrid).

Church of England. Diocese of Europe.

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