South Korea: Seoul archdiocese will order its 1,000 priest

The Archdiocese of Seoul, in South Korea, will reach the figure of 1,000 priests (including those belonging to religious orders), when on February 7 26 deacons are ordered in the Cathedral of Myeongdong.

In addition, the second deaf priest in the history of the local church will receive the sacred orders: Kim Dong-Jun, 18 years after Father Park Min-Seo did. According to the VATICAN AGENCY FIDESFr. Kim will work in the pastoral with deaf people. Two younger brothers of priests, Ryu Ho-Jun and Kim Yong-Woo will also be ordered, whose relatives were ordered in 2023.

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This historical milestone in the South Korean Church is marked by a strong decrease in priestly vocations over the last years. According to the Dicasterio for the evangelization of the Vatican, Fides, the number of seminarians in the country has been reduced by 40% in the last ten years. In 2013, 1,264 young people were in formation for the priesthood, while in 2023 that figure was reduced to 790 seminarians.

“The Archdiocese of Seoul is the first that has registered 1,000 priests since the establishment of Joseon’s archdiocese, in 1831,” He wrote the Archdiocese press office. “The total number of priests in South Korea is 5,721,” they said.

“The biblical issue for the ordination ceremony of this year priests and deacons in the Archdiocese of Seoul is Filipans 2.5: Therefore, in you the same feel that there was also in Christ Jesus”He added.

Fides echoes the Episcopal Conference of Korea, whose figures “reflect a worrying downward trend in the number of baptized Catholics among the youngest. Also in 2023, baptized children – between 0 and 4 years – represented only 1.8% of Korean society; those aged 5 to 9, 3.9%; and those aged 10 to 14, 5.8%.

“Compared to the general data of Catholics in the country (11.5% of the population), these percentages suggest a progressive decrease through generations,” says the Vatican agency.

In that sense, Fides ensures that one of the fundamental causes of this reality is the context and culture of “a highly competitive society”, deeply marked by “performance and consumption”, in which youth has less and less time “For introspection and the search for a transcendent dimension.”

Seoul will be the headquarters of the XLI World Youth Day, in 2027, which will be held under the passage of the Gospel of St. John: Have value: I have defeated the world.

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