Solemnity of San José: 7 special favors that you can receive from it

Solemnity of San José: 7 special favors that you can receive from it

The solemnity of San José is an ideal opportunity to discover, through two great mystics, the immense power of his intercession and the favors that God grants when praying.

For some centuries the powerful intercession of San José was little known. In the 16th century, Santa Teresa de Ávila, a great devotee, helped spread this devotion with joy.

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A century later another great Spanish mysticism emerged, the venerable María de Ágreda, a Franciscan nun, superior of her convent, counselor of King Felipe IV and great evangelizer. It is mainly recognized by its mystical visions of the Blessed Virgin and her monumental work, Mystical City of Godwhich tells the history of Maria’s life.

The “seven privileges” according to María de Ágreda

In the third volume of Mystical City of GodMaría de Ágreda lists seven ways in which the intercession of San José is especially powerful:

“Firstto obtain the virtue of purity and overcome the sensual inclinations of the flesh. ”

“Secondto receive powerful help to escape from sin and return to friendship with God. ”

“Thirdto increase love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. ”

“Roomto ensure the grace of a happy death and protection against demons at that time. ”

“Quintoto infuse terror in demons with only the mention of his name by his devotees. ”

“Sixthto obtain body health and assistance in all kinds of difficulties. ”

“Seventhto ensure offspring in families. ”

The mystique continues: “These and many other favors God grants them to those who seek with straight disposition the intercession of our queen’s husband, San José. I beg all the faithful children of the Church that are very devout, and will experience these favors in reality, if they are duly arranged to receive them and deserve them.”

More lighting by María de Ágreda

In the next chapter, María de Ágreda recounts the lighting he received from Our Lady. He writes that Maria explained: “My daughter, although you have described my husband, San José, as the noblest among the princes and saints of the Heavenly Jerusalem, nor can you properly manifest her eminent holiness, nor any of the mortals can know her fully before reaching the vision of divinity.”

And he continues: “The whole human race has belittled the privileges and prerogatives granted to my blessed husband, and do not know what his intercession before God is able to do. I assure you, my dear, that He is one of the most favored people in the divine presence and has an immense power to contain the arms of divine justice.”

He also urges her in this way: “In all your needs, you must be worth your intercession. You must induce many to venerate it and make sure that those of your religious community are distinguished in their devotion to him.”

“What my husband asks the Lord in heaven is granted on earth, and on his intercession many and extraordinary favors depend for men, if they do not become unworthy of receiving them,” he added.

Perspectives of Santa Teresa de Ávila

The Spanish Carmelita Santa Teresa de Ávila had similar perceptions about San José. In his autobiography he praises and demonstrates his powerful intercession in every way.

She emphasizes: “I took for my lawyer and Lord the glorious San José, and I entrusted me with fervor. I saw clearly that both in this problem and in others of greater importance, related to my honor and the salvation of my soul, this father and my lord liberated me and provided me with greater services than I knew how to ask him.”

And again exalts the putative Father of Our Lord: “I do not remember having ever asked him for something that has not granted me; and I am amazed when considering the great thanks that God has granted me through this blessed holy, the dangers of which he has fought me, both of the body and of the soul.”

He adds: “I wish I could convince all men to be devotees of this glorious saint; because I know, for long experience, what blessings can get us from God. I have never met anyone who has really been devout and has honored him with special services that he has not visibly advanced by virtue.”

Ávila’s mysticism continues: “Those who give themselves to prayer must always have a special devotion to San José; because I don’t know how someone can think of the queen of Los Angeles, during the time he suffered so much with the Child Jesus, without thanking Saint Joseph for the services he then provided.”

Santa Teresa also emphasizes: “Other saints seem that our Lord has given them funny to help in any particular need; but this glorious saint, I know from experience, has granted him to help in all of them. And our Lord wants us to understand that, just as on earth he submitted to him – because San José, having the title of father and being his guardian, could send him – so now in heaven he grants all his requests.”

“But I ask, for the love of God, that who does not believe me proves it for himself, and will see in experience the great good that results from entrusting himself to this glorious patriarch and being devout of him,” concludes the saint.

Translated and adapted by the ACI Press team. Originally published in the National Catholic Register.

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