Solar eclipse, sign of the end of the world?: A scientist and a priest respond

Dr. José Franco explained to ACI Prensa that “a solar eclipse is the occultation of the sun’s disk by the moon’s disk. When the disk of the moon completely hides the disk of the sun, it is called a total solar eclipse.”

“If the moon is in the furthest phase of its orbit around the earth, then the angular size of a view from the earth is smaller and at those times, the lunar disk does not completely cover the solar disk and remains a bright ring visible. That is called an annular eclipse,” he indicated.

The scientist described it as a “myth” that solar eclipses cause “damage to health.” “I believe that these myths come from our original cultures, we must respect them as a myth,” he indicated, but he specified that it is necessary to use protection if you want to look directly at the phenomenon.

“The intensity of sunlight is very high and if you see the sun with the naked eye, without any protection, you can end up damaging your eyes temporarily or even permanently, and can lead to blindness,” he warned.

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