An open talk in a club. Simultaneous games against kids, but are not like him because geniuses there are few in this life. A masterful with four great teachers and an international teacher like him. A game tournament at a fast pace. Another at pace blitz. All in 12 days. Accompanies de rockstar es Gold Faustino to have crossed the Atlantic and starring this Magic and mysterious tour In the beautiful Uruguayan coast. Welcome to the life of the world chess prodigy.
Fifteen kilometers west from Punta del Este, Punta Ballena falls in love with its views and with the sunsets that dazzled Carlos Páez Vilaró in his atelier that was later residence and today is a museum and accommodation for tourists: Casapueblothat unmistakable construction. On the other side of the coastal Route 10 expects La Laguna del Sauce, which gives its name to the International Airport of Punta del Este. And next to its waters, the Lake hotela five stars that will house that idem called Faustino Oro.
Eduardo Marques Iraola He is a prestigious Uruguayan lawyer, a specialist in Human Rights, who lives in Buenos Aires and is fond of chess. In full Olympiad of Budapest, while the great teacher Andrés Rodríguez He played last year on the second board of Uruguay, wrote to his former teacher and proposed to build a festival with future projection. Hands to work, then.
Rodríguez summoned a Sandro mareco (Elo 2591) already Diego Flores (2551), two of the strongest great teachers in Argentine history; At its Spanish pair José Fernando Cuenca Jiménez (2479) –Pepe Cuenca, bah-, el streamer Hispanic speech par excellence of chess; and two young people my promising: the Mexican Sion Galaviz Medina (2501), brand new at the U20 World Cup in Montenegro, and Fausti Oro (2427).
“I would have loved to do it with more players, but by budget we will be six and compete for double lap. Many are friends and accepted with very good predisposition. The illusion is to be able to maintain this festival, because It will be the second master of Uruguayan history granted by Grand Master”, He tells him Clarion The sixth element of the tournament: the experienced Rodríguez (2429).
If you get 6.5 points in 10 rounds, the gold kid, The youngest international teacher in historyhe will get his first Grand Master standard. Linda carrot to have accepted the proposal to cross the Atlantic.
“Faustino always gave the feeling of being touched with the magic wand. It is difficult to explain, as happens in painting or in music: There are certain people who have gifts. Why does a person grab a pencil and draw something wonderful, when others don’t get a dog? Well, we who work with many boys, training talents for years in chess, have the feeling that Fausti It is special. But since talent or magical light are important but they do not reach for themselves, we support it in this project, ”says Rodríguez on the reason for the invitation to the child to such a challenge.
“It is striking that an 11 -year -old boy plays equal to anyone. It didn’t happen to us at that age. His tactical vision is impressive, ”he continues.

And it is encouraged to a comparison with certain precautions with the Norwegian Magnus Carlsenthe king of this era. “Magnus went from a refined technique to being more tactical. It is good, basically. That is a bit what happens to Faustino, saving the distances, ”he says. It is tactical, strong in combinations and psychologically. In chess he does not reach knowledge. You have to have a wonder of virtues. ”
Passed in him December Argentine Championshipwhere Fausti It was fourth and stole the attention of fans who went to see him live and of the non-specialized media that of so much “run-run” dignified to give the kid to the kid. And it will now happen in Uruguay: The looks will be placed in the gold childwhich will debut this Friday at 17 with Black just before Rodríguez.
But Fausti It arrived in mode rockstar To the Uruguayan coast and will not stop for twelve days. On Wednesday he gave a talk at Médano Tennis Club and this Thursday played simultaneous in Forest portala site of six hectares near the bar, dedicated to bringing children closer to nature.

The masterful will have it playing from Friday to Thursday, March 20, including three double round days. On Friday 21 in the morning he will make simultaneous and from 16 to 21 will participate in a blitz From 13 rounds, three minutes per player, plus two seconds per move. And between Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 will play 11 wheels of a fast to 15 minutes, plus 5 seconds.
After his experiences in very strong tournaments against great teachers in District Ann Zee (Netherlands) and Djerba (Tunisia), where they invited him because Faustino gold It is a worldwide attractionthe Argentine kid takes his chess to Uruguay.
Your agenda will remain loaded. From April 16 to 21, it will compete in the International Holy Open, in San Vicente del Raspeig, Cerquita de Alicante. From 22 to 27 of that month the Open Chess Menorca will play. And in their surroundings they have in view that the Atlantic can cross again to participate in the Continental of Foz in Iguazú, from May 23 to 31, which will grant four places to the World Cup.
This is the life of a sixth grade student who with 11 years is a world chess genius.