“She has been a member since 2013, she endorsed the process and should allow voting”

“She has been a member since 2013, she endorsed the process and should allow voting”

Again almost at midnight, like a little less than a week ago, Juan Román Riquelme spoke to the bostero people. The suspension of the elections in Boca This Monday there were movements in Justice more than on the two fronts that will fight to preside over the club and the leader-idol came out with everything to commit Analía Romerothe surrogate judge who would take the place of Alejandra Abrevayawho signed the postponement of the elections but now excused himself from continuing.

The current vice president and presidential candidate for the ruling party sat at the table The Boca Canalon the official Xeneize YouTube, to highlight that Both Romero and her husband and son became active partners in 2013without being adherents, which is why they endorsed the process that was now reversed by the opposition led by Andres Ibarra y Mauricio Macri.

“Today the case changed and it went to Analía Romero, and every time that happens I have to trust. To be a judge you have to study a lot and today we can tell the fan that Analía Romero is the judge of the case, that in 2013 With her husband and her son they became partners, I imagine then that the opposition that makes up Ibarra, it is clear that the judge had to look at the papers and if she accepted that they made her a partner, it shows that everything was in order. If she accepted that “It’s great news because I think we’re going to have elections and that’s what we want.”he detailed.

“What we think is a natural thing, if they put obstacles in our way and she agreed to be a member with the same procedure that the opposition now uses to hinder the election, we believe that she will allow the elections”complete.

He also attacked the opposition again and made an appeal to the fans, who had demonstrated on Sunday in a massive rally that included the presence of Riquelme.

“We cannot relax for a single second. We want to vote quickly, to be able to walk around the playing field, which belongs to the fans and is lent to the players. Macri wants to intervene in the club, that cannot happen.”held.

“This stadium was abandoned and now Messi told us that it is getting prettier. The tent thing was going to be a party, it was the perfect party that Boca fans deserve”concluded about the planned location for the elections.

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