Sekuereme: application that provides human and spiritual support

Accurate is the name of the new mobile application that provides comprehensive support, online and in person, to those who suffer both in mind and soul.

Thanks to this tool, anyone who wants it will be able to count on the help of a priest (spiritual support), a professional in the field of psychology or law (professional support) or simply the shoulder and comfort of a person who has gone through due to their same situation (human support).

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One month after its launch, it is already present in 73 countries around the world, in 750 cities and on 5 continents and has served more than 30,000 people around the world.

The origin of Accurate

The person in charge of the platform, the Spanish Javier Pacheco, explained to ACI Prensa that this application is the result “of more than three years of praying through Instagram every Sunday at 9:30 p.m.,” which they called the “Macrofiestas.” of the Rosary.”

“We could say that Javi has brought us here. He was an 8-year-old boy with a history of Down Syndrome, who suffered from Leukemia. In his last days of life, we wanted to pray a Rosary in order to pave his way to heaven and accompany his family,” he continued.

It was then that, “trusting in the power of prayer,” he contacted Father Josep Maria Quintana “and we decided to start a live rosary on Instagram, so that anyone who wanted to pray for Javi and his family could bind”.

“Seeing the positive impact it had generated, we contacted Clara and Laura, who without thinking said yes. And so the Macrofiesta del Rosario was born, a little over three years ago,” he explained.

The “Macrofestivals” of the Rosary

As a result of these digital meetings, a family was created, “where they have asked us for support of all kinds throughout these years,” he highlighted.

Since 2021, those responsible for this project — the priest Fr. Josep Maria Quintana (@quintanajosepmaria); Lawyer Clara López de Lemus (@lavirgendelaalegria) and Javier Pacheco (@pacheco.doria)—make their accounts on this social network available to join in prayer.

In each Rosary, nearly 20,000 people connect live during the prayer, maintaining a constant figure between approximately 1,000 and 1,500 people praying in unison. “In addition, in-person Rosary Macrofiestas have been held in different cities in Spain,” Pacheco added.

Image by Sekuereme. Credit: Courtesy
Image by Sekuereme. Credit: Courtesy

What does it mean Accurate?

Pacheco, who considers himself “passionate about helping people,” explained to ACI Prensa that the name of this initiative means “follow me,” just as Jesus told Matthew “and repeated it on several occasions to his disciples.”

“And He says it to us every day, waiting for us to heal all our wounds, so that we find in Him the meaning of everything we have to live,” he remarked.

He also stated that, although “of a hundred people we care about a hundred, regardless of each person’s circumstances,” the vast majority of people are heartbroken, they suffer a lot.”

“They don’t know where to turn, and thanks to the trust generated through so many Rosaries as a family, they almost always write to us to ask for psychological help and spiritual help.”

Specifically, he indicated that they have referred more than 3,000 people to priests around the world, hundreds of people to different professionals, “and hundreds more have contacted people who have experienced a situation similar to the one they explain to us and for which they ask us for help, and we have referred them so that they can also be humanly heard, attended to and accompanied,” he highlighted.

“In this society empty of valuable content, it was already generated, we only had to and must have a platform that works perfectly to respond to so much need. On the first day we were the most downloaded lifestyle application nationwide and more than 500 support requests were requested in the first 24 hours,” he noted.

What are the most common problems?

The communication consultant also indicated that the main problem of today’s society is “the loss of values.”

“Unfortunately, we live in a world where there are many influencers image and few references with content that adds value.”

He also regretted that we live in a “weak and very divided” society, largely “due to ideologies covered with goodism and rights that threaten common sense and, unfortunately, against human life.”

Furthermore, he pointed out that “everything that today represents a culture of effort and denial is considered and classified as retrograde. Sometimes, learning to say ‘no’, choosing duty instead of want, builds you as a person.”

“We should not do everything we want, for our own good and for the good of others. We always say that progress without values ​​is regression without control, and that is what we are experiencing,” he stated.

The spiritual and human help provided by priests and volunteers

The priests available in the application reached it thanks to the help of Father Josep María Quintana and “word of mouth.”

If a priest wants to be part of this project, they must download the application, register as spiritual support and wait for someone to request support.

The purpose of the project, Pacheco continued, is to move from digital to in-person, “but in the case of not having nearby in-person support, the platform shows you online support so that you always have a person to turn to and not a empty search for support.”

In addition to the figure of the different supports, there is the figure of the volunteer, people “close to the area who help us find the support that person needs,” he explained.

Requests to the Virgin of Joy

Through the application, users can also leave their requests in writing, which are “received by the Macrofiesta team and placed on top of the altar every morning when Father Josep Maria celebrates the Holy Mass.”

“Exciting” conversion stories

“From the first moment we receive exciting stories of conversion, and thanks to them and our intercessors, we receive the necessary strength to continue sailing many times against the current,” he highlighted.

Of these stories, Javier highlighted some couples “that were about to divorce with the papers practically processed and that, after praying as a family, have managed to reconcile; pregnant women with doubts about whether to continue with their pregnancy and who today are exemplary mothers (sending us ultrasounds during the months of pregnancy); or people who have wanted to receive a sacrament.”

In addition, he pointed out that they currently receive the help of many anonymous people, “who pray with us every Sunday, and without them, all this would be almost impossible.”

“All kinds of people ask us for help. And yes, there are conversions every day and in all circumstances, but many of them are of people who had abandoned the faith and who have rediscovered the Lord. Thanks to prayer, we have witnessed first-hand this reconversion,” he pointed out.

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