Second Sunday of Lent 2024

Today, February 25, the Catholic Church celebrates the Second Sunday of Lent. Today’s Gospel reading is taken from Mark chapter 9, verses 2 to 10 (Mc 9, 2-10). The story corresponds to the episode of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Jesus asks Peter, James and John to accompany him. Together with them Jesus goes to a nearby mountain. Once we reach the highest part, the figure and appearance of the Master change radically; the Lord has been transfigured, manifesting himself in all his glory: “His garments became splendidly white, with a whiteness that no one can achieve on earth” (Mk 9, 2-3). Jesus presents himself in all his divinity as a preview of what is to come after he has suffered at the hands of men.

Peter speaks up – he had noticed the presence of Moses and Elijah in the place – and addresses Jesus: “Teacher, how comfortable we are here! Let us make three huts” (Mk 9, 5). But, as the Gospel itself points out, “Peter did not know what he said.” Then a voice is heard from heaven and says: “This is my beloved Son; listen to him” (Mk 9:7).

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