Salesians choose the priest Fabio Attard as eleventh successor of Don Bosco

The Maltese priest Fabio Attard has been chosen as the new eldest rector of the Salesian congregation during the celebration of his general chapter in Turin (Italy), becoming the eleventh successor of San Juan Bosco.

The new Superior General of the Order founded in 1859 takes over from the Spanish cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, who last January assumed as a prefect of the Dicasterio for the institutes of consecrated life and the societies of Apostolic Life.

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As reported by the Salesians, the new older rector did not participate in the Salesian capitular meeting, so he was informed of the election by telephone, at which time the mandatory acceptance was requested.

“In the room their words have been heard and, excited in tears, thanked the confidence of the brothers and especially the confidence in God to assume this new task,” the Salesians have detailed In a statement.

This is the first time that the chosen one is not among the members of the General Chapter “so that the profession of faith by accepting the position and greeting of the capitular and the general mother of the daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesianas), will be carried out throughout the day, when the new older rector can reach Turin.”

Fr. Fabio Attard will now have six years to direct the Salesian family, which will begin with the work that remains to be carried out in the General Chapter, which will run until April 12.

Attard’s choice occurred two days after he turned 66. Born in the city of joy (Malta), he professed as Salesian in September 1980 in Dublin (Ireland), where his novitiate did.

Both their diaconal and presbyteral management took place in Rome in the 86th and 87th, respectively. After directing several Salesian works in Malta, he founded the Pastoral Training Institute of the Archdiocese of Malta in 2005

Bachelor of Moral Theology from the Alfonsianum From Rome, Fr. Attard participated in the General Chapter held in 2008 as a delegate of the Irish Inspectorate, and the Youth Pastoral was entrusted to him until April 2020, when Cardinal Fernández Artime asked him to create a permanent training project for the Salesians in Europe.

Since 2018 he is a Dicasterio consultant for laity, family and life, whose position continues to perform today.

Throughout this week the other members of the General Council, the Vicar of the Rector Mayor, the four sectors counselors (formation, youth pastoral, social communication and missions), the Economomo and the nine regional counselors for each of the regions in which the congregation is divided.



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