Saints for September 15: Our Lady of Sorrows

Saints for September 15: Our Lady of Sorrows

Every September 15, a day after the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the Catholic Church commemorates Our Lady of Sorrows, the Virgin Mary, who silently accompanied her Son in the hardest moments of his earthly life. .

Like any good mother, María also stands by the rest of her children, the men, especially when they suffer.

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Jesus and Mary united in saving pain

The succession of both anniversaries – the Exaltation of the Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows – has a deep meaning: it is an invitation to meditate on the mystery of the pain that united the lives of Jesus and Mary for the redemption of the human race.

Not in vain, the Church teaches that meditating on the pains of our Mother helps to better understand the sacrifice of Christ, so that anyone, if willing, can get closer to her Most Holy Heart, so that every heart can be transformed by her sacrificial love

Being able to approach Mary in her difficult hours – those of the Passion of her Son – is the opportunity par excellence to sympathize with Her and accompany her as good children. Even more so, if we are aware that She continues to suffer because of our sins. Today and always God wants us to console his Mother.

Origin of devotion

Devotion to the Virgin of Sorrows – also known as the Virgin of Bitterness, the Virgin of Pity or, simply, as the “Dolorosa” – dates back to ancient times. This can even go back to the origins of the Church, when Christians remembered the pains of the Lord, always associated with those of his Holy Mother Mary, as recorded in the Gospels.

However, it is necessary to specify that the dedication of Our Lady of Sorrows, the Mater Dolorosatakes shape and momentum only at the end of the 11th century. Many decades later, around 1239, in the diocese of Florence (Today’s Italy), the Servites (Order of Friars Servants of Mary) were the first to set aside one day of the year to commemorate the Virgin in her suffering.

The day chosen was September 15; date that would be made official at the beginning of the 19th century (1814) by Pope Pius VII, who granted it the rank of festival.

La Dolorosa, the saints and a promise

This beautiful devotion has been encouraged by many saints throughout history, even with the direct patronage of the Blessed Mother of God, by virtue of the authority that her Son has granted her.

Thus, for example, the Virgin Mary presented herself to Saint Brigid of Sweden (1303-1373) to communicate the following: “I look at all those who live in the world to see if there is anyone who pities Me and meditates on Me. pain, but I find very few who think about my tribulation and sufferings… Therefore, you, my daughter, do not forget me, for I am forgotten and despised by many. Look at my pain and imitate me as much as you can. Consider my anguish and my tears and grieve that there are so few friends of God.”

The Mother of God promised – also through Saint Brigid – that she would grant seven graces to those souls who honor her and accompany her by praying seven Hail Marys daily while meditating on their tears and pain.

For his part, Saint Alphonsus Mary Liguori (1696-1787) taught that Jesus Christ revealed to Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1231) that He would grant four graces to those devoted to the sorrows of his Blessed Mother.

Prayer of petition

Mother, let us accompany you in your pain and soothe ours with your tenderness.

Let us be at your side, Sorrowful Mother!

And may your Son sanctify the pain that overwhelms us today.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

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