Saints for September 12: Most Holy Name of Mary

Saints for September 12: Most Holy Name of Mary

Every September 12, the Catholic Church celebrates the Most Holy Name of the Mother of God: “Mary.”

His holy name, as Pope Benedict XVI reminded us in 2009, “is totally united to his Son, to Christ, and… gives us courage to move forward,” in a world that is immersed “in darkness and suffering.” ”. In that world, the name of Mary moves us to contemplate the “face of the Mother.”

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“The name of the virgin was Mary” (Lk. 1, 27)

Contrary to what some might think, this is not a trivial matter at all. It is true that the name of Mary, due to its etymological roots and biblical meaning, is reminiscent of Eve, the first ‘woman’; However, she does so by radical contrast. Unlike Eve, who sinned by turning away from God and condemning her children, Mary was made ‘Gate of Heaven’ and mediator of all the graces granted to humanity.

“Mary,” consequently, is the name that evokes the saving work of God. Therefore, whoever pronounces that simple word with love, “Mary,” knows that it refers to the great mystery of God’s love for his creatures, men.

“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” (Lk 1, 42)

The name of Mary, associated with that of Jesus, brings together all good and just by saying it, fears are dispersed. Through Mary salvation entered the world and through her woman is more than returned to her rightful place: the highest place above heaven and earth.

With prodigious simplicity, the Holy Spirit, through Saint Luke, proclaims such a truth for the joy and veneration of every Christian: “The name of the virgin was Mary” (Lk. 1, 27).

“Hail, Mary…”

in the book The admirable secret of the Most Holy RosarySaint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716) relates how the Virgin appeared to Saint Matilda (896-968), carrying on her chest the angelic salutation written in gold letters. She then told the saint: “The name Mary, which means Lady of Light, indicates that God filled me with wisdom and light, like bright stars, to illuminate the heavens and the earth.”

Since ancient times, and throughout salvation history, there has always been a special respect for the way a person is “named.” The name that identifies a person is considered something full of meaning, as the Mother of God made clear to Saint Matilda.

The name, image of the person

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (nn. 2158-2159) states the following: “The name of every man is sacred. The name is the image of the person. It demands respect as a sign of the dignity of the one who bears it… The name received is a name of eternity. In the kingdom of God, the mysterious and unique character of each person marked with the name of God will shine in full light.”

Consequently, if the name of every man or woman deserves respect, even more so Christians are called to honor the holy names of Jesus and Mary.

This was ratified by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI:

«In the Church calendar the Name of Mary is remembered today. In her, who was and is totally united to her Son, to Christ, men have found in the darkness and sufferings of this world the face of the Mother, who gives us courage to move forward…

… We often glimpse only from afar the great Light, Jesus Christ, who has conquered death and evil. But then we contemplate very close the light that was turned on when Mary said: “Behold the servant of the Lord.” We see the clear light of goodness emanating from her. In the kindness with which she welcomed and always comes back to meet the great and small aspirations of many men, we recognize in a very human way the goodness of God himself. With her goodness she always brings Jesus Christ, and thus the great Light of God, to the world. He gave us his Mother as our Mother, so that we may learn from her to pronounce the “yes” that makes us good” (Homily of the Holy Father Benedict XVI, Liturgical Feast of the Sweet Name of Mary, Saturday, September 12, 2009) .

May the name of Mary never leave our lips, our minds and hearts!

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