We share a list with the most important dates of the liturgical calendar this March 2025. Includes the festivities of known saints, as well as the most important celebrations of the month.
March 5 – Ash Wednesday
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Ash Wednesday is a day of prayer, fasting and abstinence (March 5). Mark the beginning of Lent, that is, the forty days of preparation for Holy Week. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday that continue to Ash Wednesday they also carry this denomination: Thursday, Friday and Saturday “ash”. The first Sunday of Lent is March 9, while the fifth and last will be on April 6. Sunday, April 13, Ramos de la Pasión del Lord, beginning of Holy Week.
The ash that is imposed on the forehead of the faithful in the liturgical celebrations of the day is a symbol of penance and spirit of repentance for our sins.
March 8 – San Juan de Dios
San Juan de Dios was a religious born in Portugal who dedicated himself to the aid to the most needy and sick in a hospital he founded. Having belonged to the militia in his past life, he associated with some of his classmates, with which he constituted the order of hospitals of San Juan de Dios. He died in Granada, Spain, on March 8, 1550.
15 de Marze – San Réredides zatti
He was born in the kingdom of Italy in 1880. He emigrated to the Argentine Republic and became a member of the Society of San Francisco de Sales (Salesians) as a brother. He distinguished himself by his missionary zeal and, establishing himself in Patagonia, spent the rest of his life in a hospital in that region, in Viedma, Rio Negro, putting himself at the service of the most needy through his knowledge. He served as a pharmacist and nurse. He died in 1951.
March 16 – Santo Cura Brochero
San José Gabriel del Rosario (1840-1914) was canonized on October 16, 2016 by Pope Francis, his compatriot. This noble and generous Cordoba priest was the second canonized Argentine, after Héctor Valdivieso Sáenz (San Benito de Jesús FSC). Pope Francis has referred to him as a model for the priesthood: “The priest Brochero has the news of the Gospel, he is a pioneer in going out to geographical and existential peripheries to bring all the love, the mercy of God.”
March 17 – San Patricio
“St. Patricio, Bishop, who, being young, was taken captive from Britain to Ireland, and then, recovered freedom, wanted to be counted between the clergy and return to the same island, where, made bishop, he vehemently announced the Gospel and firmly organized the Church, until in the city of Down he fell asleep in the Lord (461) (461) (Roman martyrology). San Patricio is Patron of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Nigeria; Montserrat Island (United Kingdom); Loíza (Puerto Rico); Murcia and Albuñol, in Spain; Archdiocese of Boston, Archdiocese of New York in the United States and the Archdiocese of Melbourne (Australia).
March 19 – Solemnity of San José, husband of the blessed Virgin Mary
On this day we celebrated San José, Male Justo de la Lincess of David, adopted father of Jesus, the Son of God. Christ himself wanted to be called “Son of Joseph and was subject as a son to his father” (Roman martyrology). The Church venerates him as a patron, whom God constituted as the head of the Holy Family.
March 23 – Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
“Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Bishop of Lima, who being secular, of Spanish origin and graduate in law, was chosen for this headquarters and went to America where, inflamed in apostolic heat, he visited on foot several times the extensive diocese, provided the Gray entrusted to the Gray, fustigued in the Synods the abuses and the scandals in the clergy. He catechized and turned the native peoples, until finally in Saña, of Peru, rested on the Lord (1606) ”(Roman martyrology).
March 24 – San Oscar Romero
Óscar Arnulfo Romero and Galdámez (1917-1980), popularly known as “Monsignor Romero”, was a Salvadoran priest who came to perform as a metropolitan archbishop of San Salvador (1977-1980). He was a human rights defender and a vigorous preacher against all forms of violence. He emphasized that the Church must turn to the service of the most needy as “preferential option for the poor.” He was shot at the heart while celebrating Mass in the Chapel of the Divine Providence of San Salvador. He was 62 years old.
March 25 – Solemnity of the announcement of the Lord
In the city of Nazareth, the Lord’s angel announced Maria: “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and will be called the son of the Most High.” Maria replied: “Here is the Lord’s slave; Do in me according to your word ”(Lk 1, 38). Almighty God invited the humble maiden of Nazareth, the Virgin Mary, to cooperate in her plan of salvation for humanity. Mary was invited through the angel to be the mother of the only begotten Son of God, the Lord Jesus. The incarnation of the verb pointed out in this way “the fullness of the times.”