Saint Stephen: How did he die and what did he say before he died?

Saint Stephen: How did he die and what did he say before he died?

Stephen concluded his speech thus: “In reality, the Almighty does not live in houses made by the hands of men, as the Prophet says: Heaven is my throne and the earth is the support of my feet. What house could you build for me?” he says. the Lord. What would be the place of my rest? Was it not I who did all these things?”

“You are a hard-headed people, and circumcision did not open your hearts or ears. You always resist the Holy Spirit, just like your fathers. Was there any prophet that your fathers did not persecute? They killed the who announced the coming of the Righteous One, and you have now betrayed him and killed him; you who received the Law through angels, but who have not fulfilled it.” (Acts 7, 48-53).

Hearing these words, the Jews could no longer contain their anger. They pounced on Stephen, took him out of the city, to the appointed place, and stoned him. At the time, Jewish law allowed the death penalty by stoning.

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