Saint of the day October 22: Saint John Paul II. Catholic Saints

Every October 22, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint John Paul II, the Pontiff who traveled the entire world carrying a message of peace and reconciliation, the man who, having suffered the consequences of the totalitarianisms of the 20th century, put the Church facing the 21st century.

Saint John Paul II, as heir of the Second Vatican Council, contributed enormously to its assimilation, developing a large and solid teaching profession. With his feet placed on the firm ground of the Tradition of the Church and the Gospel, he knew how to project himself into the future, calling on everyone to be part of a “New Evangelization” for the Third Millennium.

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John Paul II, the Pilgrim Pope, was also a tireless defender of life and family on all fronts. This is testified by his words: “Marriage and the Christian family build the Church. Children are the precious fruit of marriage.”

Beyond the war

Karol Jósef Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, was born in Wadowice (Poland) in 1920. His parents, fervent Catholics, raised him in the warmth of faith. His youth was marked by the desolate and tragic atmosphere produced by the Second World War and the Nazi invasion of Poland. Even so, he was able to enter the seminary and continue his training clandestinely.

He was ordained a priest in 1946 and in 1958 became auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Krakow. Upon being ordained bishop, Karol chose as his official motto the Latin expression “All yours” (All yours) in honor of the Most Holy Mary, a motto he maintained during his long pontificate.

His work as archbishop was characterized by the promotion of pastoral care for the deaf, mute and blind. He also created the “Family Institute” and a social program to help single mothers in danger of having an abortion, which today bears the name “SOS Cardenal.” Wojtyla.”

A Pope for new times

Wojtyła actively participated in the sessions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). His collaboration in the elaboration of the dogmatic constitutions was important.Joy and Hope” y “Light of the Gentiles”. In 1964 he would be named metropolitan archbishop of Krakow and later, on May 29, 1967, created cardinal by Pope Saint Paul VI, becoming the second youngest at that time, at only 47 years of age.

Upon the death of the recently beatified John Paul I, in 1978, Wojtyla was elected Supreme Pontiff, adopting the name “John Paul II”, in honor of his predecessor. He made 104 apostolic trips outside Italy and 146 inside that country. His pontificate was the second longest in history: 26 years, 5 months and 18 days (9,666 days in total), from 1978 to 2005.

Leader on many fronts

John Paul II is recognized as one of the architects of the fall of the totalitarian communist regimes in Eastern Europe in the second half of the 20th century. In this sense, he exercised decisive leadership in achieving world peace and the liberation of people from ideologies. He was also a critic of the excesses of the capitalist system and a defender of the working class.

Unfortunately, Pope John Paul II was a victim of violence: he suffered an attack on May 13, 1981 (Day of the Virgin of Fátima), from which he was very badly injured although he managed to survive. He gave a great example to the world when, once recovered, he visited the man who shot him, the Turkish citizen Mehmet Ali Ağca, in prison, granting him forgiveness.

Saint John Paul II was always concerned about young people. It was he who promoted the “World Youth Days”, which brought together millions of them from all over the world. He was also the inspirer and promoter of the “World Meetings of Families”.

The Pope of the family

The pilgrim Pope left for the Father’s House on April 2, 2005, at 84 years of age. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2011 and canonized in April 2014 by Pope Francis.

In his homily at the canonization ceremony, Francis said: “Saint John Paul II was the Pope of the family. He himself once said that this is how he would have liked to be remembered, as the Pope of the family.”

Today, those who are devoted to him remember him this way.

Happy feast of Saint John Paul II, the Great!

If you want to know more about the life of Saint John Paul II, we recommend this article from the Catholic Encyclopedia:



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