Saint of the day October 2: Guardian Angels. Catholic Saints

Saint of the day October 2: Guardian Angels. Catholic Saints

Every October 2, the Catholic Church celebrates the Holy Guardian Angels. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches very clearly that the existence of angels constitutes a truth of faith (cf. CEC 327-328). Article 327 of the Catechism says: “The existence of spiritual, non-corporeal beings, which sacred Scripture usually calls angels, is a truth of faith. The testimony of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition.”

And, as Saint Basil (c.330-379) maintained: “Every believer has an angel next to him as a tutor and shepherd, to guide him to life”, referring to the guardian angel who, as tradition confirms, watches over the good and the spiritual health of each human being.

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Always by our side, always

Saint Basil teaches precisely that God has arranged that every soul is not “alone,” but rather has a protector with the specific mission of accompanying and guiding a person throughout life. This task must be fulfilled from the moment of conception until the hour of death.

Our guardian angel does not abandon us or move away. Unfortunately, most of the time we are not aware of its presence. Therefore, it is a holy custom that every October 2 we remember and celebrate the feast of the Guardian Angels, our guardians.

The word “angel” comes from ancient Greek. angel (ángelos) voice that means “messenger”, or “one who carries an order”.

in the bible

The Holy Scripture accounts for the existence of angels and how, at crucial moments in the history of salvation, they have appeared with the purpose of fulfilling a special mission given by God. They are creatures like us, but they enjoy a particular condition. They are not corporeal beings, and therefore, they are not subject to the laws that regulate matter, time and space. They are spiritual creatures and as such have intelligence.

Guardian angels are the heavenly spirits spoken of in Psalm 90: “God has given orders to his angels to guard you in your ways”; and of which the Gospel accounts when, for example, Jesus says: “Be careful not to despise any of these little ones, because I assure you that their Angels in heaven are constantly in the presence of my heavenly Father” (Mt. 18,10 ).

In the tradition and teaching of the Church

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) says about this: “The name of angel indicates its office, not its nature. If you ask about its nature, I will tell you that it is a spirit; if you ask about what it does, I will tell you that it is an angel.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church complements (CEC, 329): «Angels are servants and messengers of God. Because they “constantly contemplate the face of my Father who is in heaven” (Mt 18, 10), they are “agents of his orders, attentive to the voice of his word” (Ps 103, 20).

The Church has celebrated the feast of the Guardian Angels since the 17th century. This celebration was instituted by Pope Clement X (p. 1670-1676).

If you want to know more about the holy angels, we recommend these articles from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

About the guardian angel:

More information:

Resources about angels

The archangels

Guardian angels or guardian angels



Special of the Feast of the Guardian Angels


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