Saint of the day October 13: Blessed Alejandrina Da Costa. Catholic Saints

Saint of the day October 13: Blessed Alejandrina Da Costa. Catholic Saints

Every October 13, the Catholic Church remembers the Portuguese blessed Alejandrina María da Costa (1904-1955), laywoman and mystic, whose passage through this world was a reliable testimony of the power of God’s love present in the Eucharist, perfect food for the soul

“Do you want to find me, my daughter? Look for me in your heart and in your soul, there I dwell, in your heart as in my tabernacle. “If you only knew how much you console me and how much you help sinners by offering yourself as a victim!” Jesus, Our Lord, said to Alexandrina, in one of the innumerable ecstasies through which she went, suffering firsthand the pains of the Passion of Christ.

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From a poor birth

Alejandrina was born in Balazar (Portugal) in 1904. She was educated Christianly and remained with her family until the age of 7, when she was sent to the nearby town of Póvoa de Varzim to attend school. In that coastal city he made his First Communion at the age of 11 and, a year later, his Confirmation.

Later, forced by circumstances, she returned to Balazar, to the family home, where she returned to live with her mother and sister. Alejandrina had to leave school – which she never finished – since her family required her to help with farm work and household chores. The family’s economic situation had declined significantly.

Victim of insanity and evil

On Holy Saturday of 1918 an event occurred that would mark her for the rest of her life. Alejandrina – at that time about 14 years old – was busy with her sewing tasks, accompanied by her sister and a friend. Suddenly, three men forced the door of the room where they were and entered violently, without hiding their perverse intentions.

Alejandrina, terrified, jumped out of the window to avoid being raped. If something crossed her mind at that moment it was to preserve her purity and virginity at all costs. Unfortunately, the window was about four meters above the ground, so the fall caused serious injuries.

Since that tragic day, the little girl began to deteriorate physically: she began to develop paralysis that would gradually leave her bedridden forever.

For the atonement of sins: Eucharist, miracle of love

In those difficult circumstances, Alejandrina began to delve deeper into the message of the Virgin of Fátima: that would change her life. Trusting in the Virgin, she offered herself to Christ as a “victim” of atonement for the conversion of sinners, for love of the Eucharist and for the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Our Mother.

The last 13 years of her life were spent bedridden. Without a doubt, this would be more than a hard period that tested both his patience and his faith, as well as those of his family. However, not everything stayed there. Those were also years marked by a very strong supernatural presence: during that entire period the only food that Alexandrina tasted was the Eucharist, which she received daily.

Devoted to prayer and total fasting, as corroborated by the abundant testimonies collected, the blessed mystically experienced the Passion of Christ, with much pain involved, every Friday afternoon. This happened up to 180 times.

Many people came to her house to visit her and receive a word of comfort from her or share a moment of prayer. On the recommendation of her spiritual director, Alejandrina, who understood that the life that Jesus chose for her was in itself an apostolate, asked to be a Salesian cooperator.

“Receive Communion; Pray the Rosary every day” (Blessed Alexandrina)

On October 13, 1955, exactly thirty-eight years after the famous “miracle of the sun” that occurred in Fatima, Blessed Alejandrina Da Costa left for the definitive encounter with God. Before he died, he spoke some words that constitute his legacy: “Sin no more. The pleasures of this life are worthless. Receive Communion; Pray the Rosary every day. “This sums it up.”

Shortly before she died, Alexandrina had requested that, as an epitaph, her tomb be engraved with the following inscription: “Sinner: if the ashes of my body can be useful to save you, come closer. If necessary, trample on them until they disappear, but never sin again. Do not offend our beloved Lord anymore. Become. Don’t lose Jesus for all Eternity. “He’s so good!”

He who truly loves sacrifices himself

Pope Saint John Paul II beatified Alejandrina da Costa in a beautiful ceremony held in 2004.

In the homily the Pontiff said: “In the example of Blessed Alexandrina, expressed in the trilogy ‘suffer, love and reparation’, Christians can find encouragement and motivation to ennoble everything that is painful and sad in life with the greatest proof of love: sacrificing your life for the one you love.”

Blessed Alexandrina, intercede for us sinners!

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